[FORUM GAME] Sentence Finisher!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by charlyeee, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. jelly but i don't get it.

    The tropical storms are best when....
  2. IT RAINS GUMMY worms

    the opposite of marriage fish are
  3. divorce fish!

    9 + 10 =
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  4. 21.
    Today, I feel kind of...
  5. Awesome!

    Wouldn't it be cool if...
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  6. we could all just have peace with each other?

    Once I realised what day it is today...
  7. I called my mother to apologize for forgetting mothers day.

    Eventually all roads lead too...
  8. my res :p

    with my last day i will...
  9. eat waffles made from goats.

    This year, I have decided to...
  10. slab off everything

    what would i do for a klondike bar
    (i spelled that wrong didn't i)
  11. is a question one might ask themselves.

    After I finish school...
  12. I will sit on my computer and play games :p

    When I go to the shops, I...
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  13. always forget something.

    If I'd get a dog...
  14. it would be named Goober.

    The new tree house.....
  15. Is the best tree house.

    The spider...
  16. is in the soup and it tastes crunchy.

    The local ice cream shop.....
  17. Sells old ice cream.

    At 18262 it is...
  18. Not made of jellybeans. :p

    If you're happy and you know it....
  19. When you finally establish an outpost after nearly a year.

    My best friend is...
    Kytula likes this.
  20. Not u....

    I'm awesome because..