[FORUM GAME?] Questions Only?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Sep 17, 2017.


Did you get the aim of this game right away?

Perhaps? Did you? 9 vote(s) 36.0%
I'm not sure, what is it? 1 vote(s) 4.0%
Why is there even a poll? 15 vote(s) 60.0%
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  1. Is he the one that lives on Mulberry Lane?
    607 likes this.
  2. is she married to the muffin man?
  3. Is de mosselman really called the muffin man in English? Does he not live in Scheveningen anymore, then?
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Where is that?
  5. Would I be Wei f to assume that it's on mars?
  6. Don't you realise Scheveningen is in the Netherlands?
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. No I don't, does anyone else realize that?
  8. are we going to carry on with the Muffin man questions?
    607 likes this.
  9. (Meant to say wrong but autocorrect is greattt)

    Yea can we please talk about something else like would a brown bear win against a brontosaurus?
  10. why didn't you use a question mark?

    edit: why did you edit it so fast?
    607 likes this.
  11. I don't know, why did you notice it so fast?
  12. I checked the forums as soon as you posted, should we change the subject?
  13. What would you like to change it to?
  14. I don't mind, what do you want to change it to?
  15. Can I change it?
  16. sure, what are you changing it to?
  17. Does anyone have a problem with me changing it to questions about food?
  18. whats your favourite type of food?
  19. What don't I like to eat?
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