[FORUM GAME?] Questions Only?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Sep 17, 2017.


Did you get the aim of this game right away?

Perhaps? Did you? 9 vote(s) 36.0%
I'm not sure, what is it? 1 vote(s) 4.0%
Why is there even a poll? 15 vote(s) 60.0%
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  1. Who is that?
  2. Why did you (Sach) ask the question I wanted to ask?
  3. I don't know why didn't you ask it quicker than me?
  4. Maybe because he's slow?
  5. Maybe only today?
  6. Why today?
  7. How did Sach survive going outside?
  8. I don't know, what makes the outside so bad?
  9. Idk, mabye because you can get hit by cars?
  10. That is a good point, but what happens if you don't get hit by cars?
  11. Idk,You are an egg, what happened if you fall?
  12. I would crack. Why did I post a question on a wrong thread thinking it was the question only thread? >_<
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  13. Why did you then afterwards post a non-question on the question thread? :p
  14. I agree with tom, wouldn't that be considered as breaking the rules?
  15. when?
  16. Are we just gonna ignore my q?
  17. Yes, should we change the topic?
  18. What would you like to change it to?
  19. Eggs maybe?
  20. Are you an egg?
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