[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. This is escalating quite a bit O_O
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  2. I have no idea what to make of the vision. Is that happening right now, or is it just a pre-monition? Either way, I feel something nudging me... It's Moni. I get up, ignoring her insult about my face. ( :p) "Thanks for killing the old guy... I guess kicking his... groin didnt really help." I follow her out of the cabin. (607, yes it's escalating quick as crap lol. I completely forgot about the wanderers until I accidentally found the OP again.)
    AliceF3 and 607 like this.
  3. I note my friend's dark expression as we turn back into the forest "Hey, you alright?" I ask, for once managing to transform without a problem "You look...scared" I put my hand on his shoulder
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  4. I shrug her hand off of me and say, "Nothing I cant handle. Dont worry about it... For now."
    (We are friends now? Lol thats fine.)
    AliceF3 and 607 like this.
  5. (Might be a few mistakes, on phone)
    I scowl at the dwarf, "Come on, tell me. I might have just saved your life. No secrets!" I let my friendier side show as I throw Ace a sarcastic angry look, poking him plaufully
    607 and herocrafter2912 like this.
  6. (Ok.) "Fine... I saw something that... that I probably shouldn't have... I saw wanderers overtaking Genesak... You know what, lets not talk about this... Just walk."
    AliceF3 and 607 like this.
  7. I turn serious again "Fine. We'll not talk about it but we're definately getting involved"
    Ignoring the fierce look of disaproval, I set off towards Genesak, turning around mid-step to smile at Ace "Come on, dwarf face. You said walk, right? You might as well walk with me!"
    herocrafter2912 and 607 like this.
  8. "I just... Don't like it..." It seems like they're hiding something.
  9. They. The girl and the deer?
  10. she's*
  11. "Oh." :( "I thought it..." "Okay, sorry."
  12. "It's fine." She rapidly changes the topic. "So, do you... um... like... animals?"
  13. "I don't know! If we would've followed that deer, maybe I would've known!"
  14. "Yeah, i guess..."
  15. "Okay. You decide what to do now then. And don't choose something you do not feel comfortable with, if you don't want that."
  16. "Alright... There's a volcano a bit north, want to go?"
  17. "Ooh, sounds exciting. Yeah, sure, as long as it's remotely safe."
  18. I reluctantly head toward Genesak, with Moni beside me. The walk is long and hot.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  19. I can see Genesak in the distance, but if there are wanderers in there, I don't think Ace would be able to do anything about them while he's this tired... "Ace" I say, snapping him into attention "We're going to rest for a while. You're tired" I don't mention myself being tired, being part wolf gives extra strength. However, I still sit down against a tree anyway, taking the opportunity to brush my hair with my fingers
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  20. I allow Moni to convince me to rest...
    AliceF3 and 607 like this.