[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I grunt, filling with pain, but pull away from Moni. I reach behind me and touch my wound. I grimace. "Yes," the old man replies. "This is my house, and I hate --" The old man is interrupted by a tall, dark creature from behind him. "Dwarves," it says. "He -- we hate dwarves. Leave, anima." The creature said the last word with a bitter tone. "Leave the dwarf here, and we may spare him." I turn to Moni. "He's obviously lying..."
  2. (it can't talk :3)
    it makes a noise that sounds sort of like a winter
  3. A whimper* ?
  4. yeah

    fix yourself auto-correct
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  5. With a little bit of effort, I bring Ace up again and carry him in both of my arms "Stay still idiot" I hiss in his ear. I growl at the creature "You don't scare me.." I growl at him "It's hard to be scared of monsters when you consider yourself one" I spit, glaring at the old man and his demon companion "Maybe if I was stupid, I'd run. Good thing I'm so smart, and good thing I have a death wish" I loosen my grip on the dwarf in my arms "You can have him" I turn as the old man reaches forward "As long as you take me as well"
  6. You don't say xD

    Anyway, I wait for the other girl to say something.
  7. I look at Moni, not liking her choice. Reluctantly, I let the old man take me without putting up a fight. (Prince, can you now take on the role of the Old Man and the Dark Creature?)
  8. "Uhm..."
    The deer seems to want you to follow it.
  9. (oh right)

    "Fine." The creature seems to go into the man.
    "Come..." The man says with a strange raspy voice.
  10. I'm not to fond of the man taking Ace out of my arms, and I let it show on my face as a dirty scowl. I follow the...man, taking in the environment. I furiously shake my head in an attempt to calm my nerves, but it doesn't work very well, causing my ears to come out "Argh" I growl, covering them with my hands
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  11. I do begin to struggle, however, when the man takes out another knife, threatening to stab me again. "Leave, girl. Now that we have the dwarf, we will stop at nothing to keep it and get rid of you." (Sorry prince, lol)
    AliceF3 likes this.
  12. (it's fine)

    *waiting for alice*
  13. I do so.
  14. "Um... I'm not sure if I want to follow it..." Emily says.
  15. "I am sure I want to follow it.
    Why aren't you?"
  16. I growl deep in my throat "Hey hey hey, come on now, let's speak calmly about this" The anger triggers my wolf form, making me stumble slightly with the suddenness of it all, but I don't let it fluster me "Come on, let's think about this, you wouldn't fight a particularly angry wolf...." I snarl at him, snapping the word "angry" out of me. Repositioning myself slightly, I tease "Wouldn't want to mess up those wrinkles..."
    herocrafter2912 and 607 like this.
  17. At this, the creature comes out of the old man and lunges at Moni, while I feel the piercing of the knife fro behind me. At this pain, I kick behind me, landing my foot right in the old man's groin. After all, without the demon, he is just an old guy.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  18. "NO NEED TO BE HASTY!" I yell to nobody in particular as I narrowly side-step the demon. I bound towards the old man, hoping that if he dies the creature will die with him
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  19. Seeing that Moni is going to take care of the man, I pull out my dagger and head for the demon. "What's a dagger gonna do?" I think to my self. My thoughts are interrupted when I come in contact with the demon. He chuckles. "Ha ha ha. You poor little dwarf," he says, growing twice his normal size. "You have no idea what you just walked into." He touches my forehead, and I see images of Genesak being overrun by wanderers. I then pass out. (Lol I just now realized how much the story line is like The Maze Runner. [Read OP])
    AliceF3 likes this.
  20. I finish off the old man, suffering little injury apart from a headache after being hit in the head.... I hear the small "thump" as Ace hits the floor. Snarling, I leap over to him and stand over his body "Back off, demon. Can't you see your master is dead?" he glances over at the old man dead on the floor before dissolving into smoke "Finally" I grunt, almost falling on Ace with relief. I do a spin and rotate off of Ace, flopping to the floor and nudging him with my cold nose "Come on dwarf face, get up"