I liked hosting, but I like playing too . If you ever need a host just ask me , but just let others host if they want so I can also play myslef
It didn't affect the total score order, though, luckily. What do you all think? Start the next round tomorrow or upcoming Sunday?
Oh sure; rub it in, why don't you? Hm, there should really be a crying emoticon for times like this. 1? 1?!?! You know, guys, I think there's actually a third option available. Gosh, what was it..? Also 607, sorry, but I'm gonna have to do this to you, out of revenge: Anyway, I suppose my incentive for playing in the next round will be that there's almost no way I'll do worse. I'll see you all then.
Seems like I haven't done my error correction well enough, huh? Don't blame me xD Edit: went through it once more: I think you should be happy now. I kept some in there because they weren't that bad, and could be seen as style.
I went to smp1 and typed /v 1 and it didn't work. Is it in Utopia or something? Also, I'd like the next round to start as soon as possible.
There is no such residence. The smallest number is, I believe, 101, on smp1. This is why it baffles me that "1" actually won. ;-;
Nah, you can type any nonsense you want. All that matters is how many other people type the same thing as you.
That's true! Answers don't have to be factually correct unless it's specifically stated in that round's rules, which it shouldn't be. As long as enough people say it, you can win with it. Problems could arise with this, but that's why we have gentleman-rules of course. I mean, you don't just go answering "no." to every question and hope the other people do the same
1... Exactly what I thought It are the rules though :/... I didn't expect it either, but maybe people knowing 1 doesnt exist, choose 1 because they thought alot of people would do that Also, did I really write siccors and choise? Aye... It was late I guess
Family Feud, Round 6 (host: 607, 13 questions) This round is a bit special. It introduces two different kinds of questions. We all know the default Feud scoring questions. It's (number of people who said your answer/number of people who said the most answered answer). But there are now also "exceptioning questions" (I know that's not correct English, but it's what I'll call them). An example: name a Minecraft server, other than EMC (this question wouldn't be allowed as it would be counted as advertising). As you should know, answering a factually incorrect answer is okay. But in this kind of question, answering the word in Italics will gain you zero points. There are also no loopholes. Saying EmpireMinecraft will gain you 0 points as well. So you'll need to think of the most popular answer that's not EMC. The second new kind is the "inversing question" (not correct English either). Here you'll want to find the least popular answer. An example: name an EMC smp. Answers are smp8, smp8, smp9, utopia, utopia, utopia. The one saying smp9 will get the most points, then smp8, and the utopia-sayers won't get that much. For this question your answers absolutely have to be factually correct, and can't be too generic (for example, saying "The least popular answer" is disqualified). If your answer does get disqualified I'll notify you, and you'll have another chance at it. Questions 1-9 are normal Feud scoring. 1. Name a fabric. 2. Name a newspaper. 3. Name a means of transport. 4. Name a gardening tool. 5. Name a state in the USA. 6. Name a written medium. 7. What's your favourite party snack? 8. Name a geometric shape, other than square. 9. Name a currency, other than US Dollar. Reverse Feud scoring: 10. Name one of the five fingers on one's hand. 11. Name a Senior Staff Member. Special Feud scoring (borrowed from another website because they're great): 12. Darts. - Throw your dart at the dartboard by choosing an (x,y) coordinate on the dartboard represented as a square with corners at (1,1), (1,-1), (-1,1), and (-1,-1). The center of the dart cluster is determined by the arithmetic average of the x-coordinates and y-coordinates. [Example: If three points (0.4,0.9), (-0.1,-0.5), (0.6,0.2) are chosen, then the cluster center is (0.3, 0.2).] - Your score is (shortest distance to cluster center)/(your distance to cluster center). 13. Sectors. - Choose a point on the circumference of a circle by stating the number of degrees clockwise from the top. The circle is divided into sectors be taking the midpoint of each pair of adjacent points chosen by the players. Your sector is the one your point resides in. [Example: Points at A:0 deg, B:80 deg, and C:200 deg are chosen. The sectors are marked by points 40 deg, 140 deg, and 280 deg. A's sector is from 280 to 40 (120 deg), B's sector is from 40 to 140 (100 deg, C's sector is from 140 to 280 (140 deg).] If two or more players choose the same point then they split the sector. [Example: If D chooses the same point as C in the previous example, then they each get 140/2=70 degrees of the sector.] - Your score is (size of your sector)/(size of the largest sector). These last two were taken from another website, because I really loved them, and wanted to share them with the audience here. Please send your answers in a conversation to 607, and don't talk about these questions in this thread. Be sure to talk to other people about this, as I hope we'll get 10 or more people for this Feud! For any questions, pm me as well. This feud may seem quite complicated, but I'm here to help, and whoever you are: I'd love to have you join!
Oh I thought that you wasn't allowed to comment with your way of thinking or something in that direction sorry!