The Conquerer grabs whatever they can off the Black Pearl, and then abandon the fight, leaving the Potato Nugget to fend for themselves. They kill the remaining undead crew members, and count their loot: 20 Black pears (Ba-dum-ch! ) 500 pieces of gold 100 pieces of silver.
The Potato Nugget is enraged from the stealing. The Potato Nugget kills the last of the enemies, and sets off after the Conqueror, and begins to load the cannons.
((How was i stealing?)) Captain Juke sees the on-coming ship, and shouts at the men to ready cannons. He begins to go through the narrow rocks, trying to lose or sink the Potato Nugget
Well, it seems I've landed in a problem. Am I at the "still fighting the black pearl" or am I chasing down the conqueror
Alright then... Uhm... I guess we don't have a captain.. Huh... The Potato Nugget's navigator takes over temporarily, hoping to end this encounter quickly. When I meant steal, I meant about you stole what I was about to plunder. Or try to plunder The Potato Nugget stares into the rocks with a feeling of despair. And, the Potato Nugget decides to dock at Sopwith in a hidden position, to stay out of sight of the Black Pearl, while trying to find a new captain.
((Hence the name captain JUKE xD)) After losing the potato nugget, the Conquerer docks at Naples, and spends part of the money on more ammo.
The Potato Nugget hires a new captain, Captain Charlie. The Potato Nugget is repaired with spare money, and the crew members decide to stay at Sopwith for a while, hoping to buy supplies, and to gain some cash.
The old captain? Oh, he got shot in the head. Not much to it. The Potato Nugget is about ready to set sail. Currently just waiting for a few more repairs. (Jacob, mind if you start doing merchant ship updates, where you just list a bunch of merchant ships in many locations?)
((Is it too late?)) Name: Collect Current job: Eating British navy or Pirate: Pirate (If pirate) Name of ship: Collecteroids
Name: Captain Hargarald Current job: None, abandoned the British navy British navy or Pirate: Pirate (If pirate) Name of ship: Icebreaker Is it too late?