Ah, interesting! - it seems to always give 1970 though, which, could be a coincidence, but it could also be because some date systems on computers start counting in 1970. Ah, interesting you found that! I think your judgment on the person himself is correct.
This nice picture was among the results. "NS ElD2 401, the first build unit from this rollingstock type, departs from station Meersen. To give more service to the passengers a couple off units had a coffiemachine on board off the train. You could recognize the units at the great red sticker on the sides off the train." And here's an interesting little device.
I found this doll from 1997, and was intending to take a screenshot of it from an enthusiast website. But it doesn't look there is one that covers it, as I could only find it for sale (or sold out) on various websites. I'm surprised that there isn't some Disney toys wiki. Have a bus instead.
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R74dbe15c6194f885435ad238ab78d131?rik=VllAT6lvMT23QQ&riu=http://www.sewingpartsonline.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/IMK385.17828490.jpg&ehk=R/wkLBQfOX9KPDPmdHpNaqWDsXwy7/et8kKXGpZr6Z0=&risl=&pid=ImgRaw Shoot...how do you embed an image... Got it
I was squinting to see what you meant, until I realised that you were not talking about what's in the picture. 17831 screenshot:
EDIT: uhhhh wait, that number isn't even remotely right. This is the title of the marktplaats advertisement: "GS500F 2004 - 2009 Suzuki Koppelingshendel houder D1-17835". It also contains this: "D1-17835 / L0-14187". That explains it. This number is more like it.