[Forum Game] Battle of the Sexes

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Mar 21, 2016.


Whom do you want to win?

Boy 63 vote(s) 22.6%
Girl 56 vote(s) 20.1%
I am an Apache Attack Helicopter 160 vote(s) 57.3%
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  1. But... Was that actually true....? You can never know for sure..... :rolleyes:

  2. It was very in depth when it came to light, and you can see clearly how it is an alt... and if the theory really is his sister, how old are they both and living together? :rolleyes: Anyway, back to the thread, let's keep it on topic :D
  3. meh, ppl always believe shelly over me :confused:

  4. If you do, then I would be able to. ;)

    AyanamiKun likes this.
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