Favourite res on EMC - impressive builds or player entertainment

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LindenNZ, Apr 17, 2020.

  1. Tell me which residences on EMC are your favourite to visit for entertainment, or have impressive builds that are fun to look around, or roller coasters.

    I remember seeing one which was all vehicles from Star Wars but I can't remember where it was now...

    If we get a good list I might make a book as an in-game guide.
    xGGirlx and Eviltoade like this.
  2. There is the Haunted Castle to explore and Scary Minecart Ride on smp5 at 10960

    and when you are thoroughly scared next door is the Amusement Park and Roller Coaster at 10840

    And nearby that is the Indiana Jones Jungle Maze (it's not tough) with plenty of surprises. Find the Temple of Doom and defeat the spider. At 10958

    xGGirlx and MoreMoople like this.
  3. nice self advertisement :p
    Egeau likes this.
  4. Did I mentioned all this entertainment is absolutely free. The minecart chests for the rides are even buy/sell. Just trying to give back just a little.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. Self inserts my res...:p

    Walk around and explore the surrounding grounds and spooky halls of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion! Located on Utopia, at /v 5589.

    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  6. I built some stuff as a way to give back to the community too :)

    All on SMP7


    I think I first built it in c.2015 then revamped it around 2017? I honestly don't remember. Anyway, it's a mix of games and mazes and rollercoasters etc, some new some old.


    also has a rollercoaster under the res that used a lot of concrete to build :p

    +wonderland (no invisible mazes :D)
    Just a fun walk-through mini adventure map :)

    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. self-promotion is 100% allowed as this thread is all about community not $ :) <3
  8. Gotta say, this caught my eye and I stopped by there these evening. Extremely impressive build, and I highly recommend! The theme and build were so well done and the track so varied in obstacles that it felt more like Mario Kart than Minecraft.

    Definitely looking forward to checking out more of the builds in this thread over time.
    Egeau likes this.
  9. I went for a visit, it's great. You could host a player event there with competition heats? I also learned I am terrible at controlling boats on ice and badly oversteer every corner :D
    Egeau likes this.