Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Biscuitboy has donated 37,600 rupees! Thanks biscuitboy!!!
    marknaaijer and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  2. O fine biscuit.
  3. .... oh mah gawd.
  4. The planning for the top floor connection is almost done. Expect to see the other two base structures go up soon!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  5. We Shall See Who Wins This Round
  6. donated 20,601
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. fight 2: nole vs biscuitboy. FIGHT.
  8. ill win got 59k left :D
  9. Nole: did you check your math? Biscuit donated 37600...your donations put you at a total of 33600...just letting ya know ;p
  10. i know just donated 5000
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  11. Wow the blue ribbon staff must be loving biscuit and nole's donation war!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Do you guys have like either open days or a floor that is permantaly open for players to come have a peek? Cause I would like to look into things before renting... ;)
  13. There is a suite model open currently in the original tower at 3764. It is on the first floor above the lobby. Penthouses are seen by asking myself or ignoramoose. And the super penthouses aren't even designed yet so won't be available for a while.
  14. Ahh ok thanks :D
  15. I must say it took myself way too long to realize the math was off. Thanks Nole! Once again you are making my building projects easier to complete. (many of you dont know Nole was the only one crazy enough to help me with the sheep farm at 4002. Everyone else said it was too big of a project and that I was crazy lol)
    Nole972 likes this.
  16. I Say best hotel in the empire! with the great views great interior decoration!!! Good Job! ( also I like how it looks from the outside ) :D
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. Migueldemesa donated 2000 rupees =D
  18. i can help with the super penthouses
  19. Thanks miguel! Krysyy's responsible for the insides for sure. I'm shooting for great things with the 4 lots!!!

    By my math:

    Nole has donated a total of 38601 rupees
    Biscuitboy has donated a total of 37600 rupees
    ImParanoid has donated a total of 10000 rupees
    Migueldemesa has donated a total of 2000 rupees

    I'm updating the first post now!
  20. :p Edit: you know i had to ;3