[event] Friday Night Miners

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by samsimx, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Hmm how do you get different texturepacks?? Download em?
  2. It's friday again! I just got logged on and I think I can host tonights event. I will update once the server is picked and a start time, but basically we can start right away. I will have mumble on in the background to listen, but don't have a mic to talk.
    cadgamer101 and samsimx like this.
  3. Bummer, it's unfortunate that I don't have mumble, might get a tad lonely in regular chat :(
  4. Ok, we are going to be on smp9. Just log on and ask in town chat and we will invite you to our mining group.
  5. Can we do another one on Sunday night? I think from 2 weeks ago the interest was shown for a second one.
    samsimx and just_five_fun like this.
  6. Is there going to be one today? I would like to attend one of these and today would be a perfect day to do it.
  7. We should do a nether-based one? There is a shortage of quartz. Does someone want to help me build a tunnel out 1,000 blocks from one of the outposts to help people get out there?
  8. I would also love to attend if there is one
  9. Bump

    I may be able to attend, but I can't promise to host. I suggest that you pick a server, group up, and then post here what you are doing. The nether thing sounds pretty cool. Maybe just run out 500 blocks in the wild and make a portal instead of tunneling. Either way it should be fun and profitable. If you build it, they will come. While you are at it, you might just run into some of those turkeys
  10. The tunnel would be in the overworld. It's so new players could come out easily to mine with us and people can move their material back to the spawn easily.
  11. Is there any quartz left in the nether? lol weird question I know but we were mining for about 45 mins last night and did find a single piece. And we were pretty far out.
  12. There is no quartz in the frontier nether. (unless you go more than 5000 blocks from spawn minimum) This is because quartz didn't exist when that world was generated.

    The wastelands nether has lots of quartz and glowstone. You might need to walk 150 blocks from spawn to start finding easier places to get it, but you will start seeing it pretty quickly.

    We have talked about doing a quartz mining event. I guess this is as good a time as any, but it will be up to the group that gathers on Friday to make the choice.
    ThaKloned and Byeforeverthe2nd like this.
  13. Oh man lol I thought something was up. So I guess the best plan is to goto the waste, walk out a bit and pop a portal up. Thanks for the reply. Thought I was losing it :p

    BTW I'm game for a group run. Anytime after 6pm EST :D
    just_five_fun likes this.
  14. I wont be able to attend this Friday. (Going to Edmonton.) But the Friday after that (December 12th) I can run a quartz mining event if people wish. I have someone (hopefully) building a tunnel for the event which we can use and I would appreciate if announcements could be made on the server to help promote it. I am also wondering if it would be alright to offer to buy the quartz on the spot from miners in the event - that would be my main motivation since I need a lot of quartz and all my miners keep dying getting back to town so I'll take that out of the equation.
  15. With my break from EMC I will not be hosting these anymore. Of course other staff members and members are going to be allowed to keep this going but do not expect anything from me. :p
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  16. I might be up for a nether run this Friday. I won't be available until 6:30 PST at the earliest though.
  17. I hope to be available. There is no reason a player can't sell/buy during this type of event. What server are we planning to mine on?
  18. Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  19. I might be going with you guys tomorrow. It mainly depends on how much I'm attracted to Pokemon Omega Ruby.;)