[Event] 4 days a week of Fire Floor!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by CaptainCraft300, May 10, 2014.

  1. 28 minutes now :D
  2. why would it go up xD its getting less :D
  3. You put the wrong time :p
  4. laptops are different times xD
  5. I posted a minute or 2 after you so... :p Edit: A long time after you :p
  6. Hmm, what shall I do... Homework or this? :D
    captaincraft300 likes this.
  7. Just finished! Was a close match, the final 3 from 3rd to 1st is:


    Congrats to BTHarrold98 :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  8. thanks captain :D
    captaincraft300 likes this.
  9. Your head??? :D i have like 8 :D
  10. OrangeDuck607 will defenitely forget about this, so I'll watch it too ;) Too bad I missed it
  11. Thanks Captain, i'll join everyone after all the AP testing is done and over with. Can't wait
  12. Can't Wait Till Wednesday You Guys Ready :D