[EVENT] 2015 EMC PvP Games

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Builder_Wolff, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. I too can no longer participate. Sorry.
  2. Okay, sorry guys :(
  3. Still unsure if I can come, IRL problems.
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  5. I already signed up, but I'm still unsure if I can come.
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  6. If we entered a form are we automatically entered?
  7. Yes. If you selected "Yes" On the form. You May Resend it.
  8. Ok! Thanks for clearing that up. :)
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  9. I think ill be able to make it not sure most likley tho
  10. lotta people talkign about me lol i didnt even know about this
    Gawadrolt, 607 and codygraw101 like this.
  11. scrub fite me irl 720 no scope mlg mynecraFt
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  12. samsimx showed up but ran away when he seen me :p
    *taunts sammy*
  13. I missed it? :-(
    TigerstarMC likes this.
  14. i think he plans to have more when im not around, i won three rounds and everyone left :p
    607 and codygraw101 like this.
  15. I wont let you win every round ;-) I made a mob arena with Simon last almost half an hour because he HAD to kill me lol
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  16. I missed it. Showed up right after it finished. ._.