[EVENT] 2015 EMC PvP Games

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Builder_Wolff, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Not really sure
  2. Just let him come, we'll see how op he is at the event when everyone is teamed against him. ;)
    607 and wolffpack58 like this.
  3. OP enchants :p
  4. Such as?
  5. Bump I will be on later to fix the spoiler
  6. Spoiler hasnt been updated yet :/
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  7. Updating Now...
  8. WELL all the obvious enchants that you would use for pvp of course. Including thorns, which is pretty annoying tbh. The gear only goes so high. My gear is close to as high as you can enchant it but I don't have the ham hacker or the marlix bow so I'm at a disadvantage there. Even so, it all eventually comes down to skill when you eliminate most of the favor taken into account because of gear. cowland and I went at him for a good while before I finally got him. He killed us both multiple(nigh, SEVERAL) times. Cow's not so hot with a bow(sorry cow, you had a marlix bow and I killed you like twice from range and I think almost all of your kills on me were melee or after I had already been beaten down :p) but even so we were both going at him for probably a good five plus minutes, relentlessly.

    TL;DR he has good enchants but more important, he is good at pvp.

    Edit: I work during this time but I may very well have the day off and for this, I will def request it. My girlfriend is gonna be so mad if she finds out I requested a day two days after her birthday off to play EMC XD
    AnonReturns, wolffpack58 and 607 like this.
  9. I'll come.
  10. I probably wont make it because it starts at 7pm emc time, unless I get lucky.
  11. Wolfpack, is there going to be several rounds and different types? Can we use poison/potions/promos and what not? What wouldn't be allowed if not?

    Also, I filled out the form, didn't see that before. I also saw the question about gear and promos but still want to be sure.
    607 likes this.
  12. Thread will be updated with FAQ ASAP!
    I think it comes down to skills... I killed RainbowChin with poor armor twice in a row so XDXD
    Hope to see you there!
    Yes, There will be several rounds... I don't mind using regeneration pots, instant health, unenchanted gold apples, but I don't like it when someone uses Enchanted Golden Apples-- It makes it somewhat imposable to kill them... I have some of the prizes for each one. I asked if you had gear Like Armor & Sword
    then I asked if you used a promo weapon/armor/bow/ect.

    Here are some prizes I have At the moment:

    607 likes this.
  13. If the time is GMT friendly I'll come join, if not, I need sleep sometimes XD
    607 likes this.
  14. I understand not liking if people use gapples but I think what can and cannot be used should be set in stone instead of just saying that you don't like them. If you don't like them does that mean I can use them and it will just annoy you or does that mean I cannot use them and I should leave them at home. The promos that you asked if we had, can we use them? Poison too?
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  15. I think it would be at 12:00pm GMT >-<
    Promos- Yes!
    Poison- I use it! Sure! ^-^
    I'll make it a rule not to use Enchanted Golden Apples.
    Golden Apples- No.
  16. I have thorns :D
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  17. This sounds cool, it will be fun :)
    wolffpack58 likes this.
  18. Me too, I just never fought anyone else who had it so didn't realize how annoying it actually was until i fought bitemenow XD

    It's gotten me a few kills before lol.
    607, nuclearbobomb and wolffpack58 like this.
  19. Nice use of the Google Form :p
    wolffpack58 likes this.