[Established] Dragon's Perch

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ajmyers34, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. I would like to stake a claim on SMP3 in an area that, potentially, qualifies as an Outpost.

    Locked Chest(s) in place .... name ...."Dragon's Perch"

    Thank you
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Just trying to help out here...

    Now... The way I read this is that you're trying to claim an area in another area which already 'potentially' qualifies as an outpost. That would never work. Because as per the rules you'd need to be at least 3k blocks away from any other visually established base.

    If I'm completely wrong then it's all good. Staff will sort this out. But if my assumptions are right then you may want to rethink this.

    Don't take my post the wrong way though: only trying to help rule out possible causes for denial of establishment. It's usually best to have the whole thing sorted out once you drew staff attention.

    Hope this could help somehow, and good luck on your establishment request!!
  3. It's usually best guess. We don't publicize established outpost locations so players typically have to make judgments using maps and publicized info from other threads/players.

    Either way request will be looked at this evening if someone doesn't beat me to the punch before then. Gotta scrap up dinner somewhere.
  4. I think you got more pressing matters on your plate. Last request you looked into hasn't been resolved in 4 months time so far. You may have seen my report on that one, I think that link deserves more attention than this one right now (no offense ajmyers, but... 4 months? :confused:).

    Dude, what. the. heck. ?
  5. Well, typically this gets checked and resolved in a week or so. As a means of being certain that there are no others in the area, as even a simple, single residences can disqualify, it takes some time to scour the Map ... either visibly or physically. My First attempt was too close to an Outpost to qualify, but I'm thinking I fixed that and simply need a check for any stragglers in the Area I chose.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Outpost is established! Would you like the thread left open or closed?
    ShelLuser and crystaldragon13 like this.
  7. Closed is fine. Thank you !
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