[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, I have sent you the Starter's Guide (here on the forums). It contains the way description and other useful information you should carefully go over. Hope to meet you soon

    Hey, I am not sure if you already made it out there. But in case not I also sent you the Starter's Guide, so you can find the way.

    That's awesome :) And I missed it :( But I am sure there will be a next time.

    Edit: Also found the new class rooms on the second floor. They are pretty awesome, SteamboatWillie.
    PineappleGem and Jinkers like this.
  2. Now I got my prize :) Will I redeem it with you? Also I left a review in the chest with the books & quills. You might wanna add a hopper to the locked chest for people to throw their reviews.

    And everybody else should try the maze! It is really fun :)
  3. Thanks for the acceptance. On my way out :)
  4. Yes Pm me when you want to redeem it.
  5. Any materials needed especially in Carthaga? I'm in smp4 spawn for the first time in months, thought I could pick up some stuff from my smp7 res or buy things from other smps.

    Already bought about 6 stacks of lapis blocks!
    gladranger7 likes this.
  6. Sand, Dirt, Grass blocks, and sandstone
  7. Who has done the 400k members event? What did you get? I got an orebuster, 2 moments toothpicks, and dragon poop
  8. I have recently found out how much an ore buster is worth. I will now proceed to start going crazy.
    ESSELEM, Jinkers and nuclearbobomb like this.
  9. I got some good stuff too =D an ore buster, marlix leggings, chestplate, and bow; mineral mincer, and super dragon poop (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
    SteamboatWillie and gladranger7 like this.
  10. ok so how do u do this? just run around claiming chests?
  11. #Alive. #NeedToGoToCarthaga. #DepartingNow.
  12. yeah but the more hidden ones have better loot
  13. The cool stuff I got was a Marlix chestplate and a Dragon Poop. :D Otherwise, not much else cool. :(
    gladranger7 likes this.
  14. I can show you guys some of the more hidden ones but you will have to wait till later
  15. Since 1.9 is coming out soon Carthaga probably needs some explorers to claim some elytra and dragon heads for us. They will need to be fast and strong enough to beat dragon and survive the end. And they need to record the location of end portal in waste.
  16. Also I'm proposing a new event: Farming Fridays
    It would not be very exciting but would basically entail of people afking at the farms to get us stuff
  17. got some chest minecarts set up at the start of the railroad, smp4 spawn side .... please don't break them or else dirt will explode everywhere :) planning on getting to carthaga spawn soon!

    EDIT: traveling to Carthaga atm...three chest minecarts with sand, sandstone, and dirt! :)
    SteamboatWillie and gladranger7 like this.
  18. what time? I can probably find some on my own but if we could meet it would work better...
  19. I can show people the hidden chests between 4-7 emc time. I will post here when I get on.
  20. back in carthaga ... dirt chests are filling up! currently organizing the numerous chests we have in storage, especially the overflow chests.
    Jinkers likes this.