Enraged mob farms.

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Marshmallow369, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. No need to be sad man, if it is a mob spawner!

    So.... Does this mean if you want a natural spawner, you have to light up the land (caves, etc.) and also slab (or dig up) the grassy areas?
  2. Indeed it does. There are also the options of filling areas, building under water, or flooding an area. Whatever seems appropriate and keeps mobs spawning anywhere but in your farm.
  3. know of any good ways to keep peaceful mob spawns down, without messing up look?
  4. I've never built a standard mob spawner that didn't top out at or above cloud level. Depending on the ground level I'm starting at I sand or gravel up 1-2 stacks, build a platform, then the spawner up from there. use white wool and glass and it sorta blends in with the clouds. Then I connect it to my Nether hub
  5. Cool, guess if you nether in, the ground mobs don't have a chance to load.. makes sense
    Masterkism likes this.
  6. I once used one as a center of a light-fixture it was light well enough no spawns, and it was interesting looking o.0
    Pab10S, just_five_fun and kevmeup like this.
  7. Lagg though man, laggggggg.... I also guess lava would work.... These are enraged mobs after all....
    The nether has a ceiling though...
    I have a natural spawner (two actually, the other doesn't work well) above a deep ocean biome. It is the only mobs that register (around 2-5 spawn at a time (10-30 seconds)), but the rates are also incredibly low. Which biomes would be best for maximum efficiency?
  8. The nether in was a reply to my post on this thread... I build my mob spawners in the sky high enough that I am out of range to trigger ground spawns, to access my sky farms I build a nether portal near the kill area. Ideally I'd have hidden another nether portal near-ish the empire protected area. So I pop into frontier take a short walk to my hidden portal, I zip through a nether hub* to my kill platform, I was never on the ground so there was not opportunity for ground mobs to spawn and possibly lower the number of baddies that can pop in my spawner.

    *Nether hub: Create a nether portal, write down it's location (f3) the height is irrelevant you only need the 1st and 3rd numbers. Light the portal and head through. Once in Nether you destroy the portal there (free obsidian) then find a spot near by that you can tunnel up to the nether ceiling. Look at the numbers for the portal in the frontier you took down and divide both numbers by 8 find the resulting x, y coordinates up at nether ceiling level and build a portal there, then you light it, it should connect with the portal you originally built. if you do this with multiple locations you have a nether hub and can cross the distances from the places you built portals in 1/8 the distance.
    Note: I recommend 1/2 slabbing your nether portals, just in case
    highlancer54 likes this.
  9. Would that work? If I build it high enough up will the mobs at the surface and underground effect it?
    Masterkism likes this.
  10. If your kill platform is high enough you should be out of range of the ground and underground spawns.
  11. Because EMC made is 64 blocks was the spawnable area, this should work fine. I just built a mob dark room over the ocean and there are no spawnable area on each side or below and it works great. I did see a few engaged but I don't have a kill chamber yet.
    Masterkism likes this.
  12. Sweet. Let's take a look at that today. I also have a design. Very easy.
  13. I don't believe this is true, if i'm correct, mobs within loaded chunks can spawn at any Y-co-ord, no matter where you're standing.
  14. It should be 64 block radius only. Anything outside of that shouldn't be spawning.
  15. 64x64x64 32 north, 32 south, 32 east, 32 west, 32 up, 32 down. A few years of testing leads me to believe that the spawn area around a player is like a giant sphere. Mobs can spawn outside this area but if they remain outside they despawn rather quickly... that's all standard vanilla but I'm confidant it's not that different in the Empire
  16. I know this isn't an enraged question, but I figured you're the guys to ask.

    I have a double platform witch farm, that if I'm over 15 blocks away from, the witches won't fall through floors. If I change redstone will it work? Or do moving platform based farms not work well on EMC?

    I added some Snow golems to peg the witches when they spawn, and they'll move and fall down from a distance, that causes all sorts of other problems though :)
  17. if you stand by the area that they fall to, they seem to fall more often... personal experience. But I often have one or two just standing up there...
  18. Right now we using water to move them about 24 over, then up and off a drop (fun to watch), I'll try standing 24 above or below it and see if it still sticks. Thanks :)
  19. why not just have a dead-drop onto slabs with hoppers under them?
  20. I once made an enraged zombie farm via momentus. I trapped it in a hole and stayed far enough away it did not tp me but close enough it spawned enraged zombies... It has long since been patched, this was before tokens. But I can confirm that enraged mobs have spawned on slabbed areas before. In an old broken witch farm I keep turned off, the hoppers at the bottom are covered in slabs. I always get enraged spawning in there. I have not tried to farm them because that could be considered abuse I believe, possibly, but there is no other way in than spawning.

    I did not see the momentus farm as abuse because it used proper game mechanics that were intended, I am not 100% sure spawning on slabs was intended.