Enraged mob farms.

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Marshmallow369, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. I have been working on a hound farm. Taking for ever to get right lol.
  2. Etho's design doesn't work too well on EMC though...
  3. Well it's not hard to see why they hide the information when people pay what they do for the enraged mob drops. Once the price levels out a bit or they get bored they'll start sharing.
  4. Yes please.
    Will you share your design?
  5. I will type it out when I a on the laptop
  6. What do you mean by not friendly?
  7. To be clear, I said, "Ideas are free; work is not." You wanted me to build it for you.


    Yes, please.
  8. Very inefficient with EMC's modified spawn mechanics
  9. Hmmm.... I am very interested in the prospect of enraged mob spawners. Can someone at least give the prospects on where they do spawn (are they like slimes where they only spawn in certain chunks) or is there a block type that only they spawn on. Even a simple hint as to a biome that spawns more would be helpful. We are looking for information and hinting that there is information is not helpful. Please provide actual prospects that are helpful not vague hints like finch_rocks_1 gave.
  10. I spoke with Marshmallow the other day, and I'm sure he'd be happy to share what I leave out. An enraged mob farm is ultimately a blackroom dead-drop with a chamber at the bottom. So, if you're unfamiliar with a blackroom spawner, it's a room (Or hollow shape of some sort) in which mobs spawn, and are moved by water or pistons down a hole, where they drop to their death. But, thanks to the extra health that enraged mobs have, all enraged mobs that spawn survive the drop, leaving you easy tokens and special drops.
  11. Thats confidential information
    boozle628 likes this.
  12. Okay. I can slightly modify the one's I have made like that. Do you know the chances (like percent) of how often an enraged mob spawns? Also what is this person's in game name?
  13. Yeah, which part of it is?...
  14. That's what I am wondering. I see no reason to hide the info. It's kinda greedy :p
  15. Did dragonhawk32 tell you anything I haven't heard from him? Because so far, I have the idea to make a huge mob farm and hope that I get enraged mobs... I think that there are specs that would allow for a higher chance or even 100% chance of getting them.
  16. How is that possible? The "howling for assistance" no longer spawns more.
  17. Based on my research, it seems they are just simply regular mob farms except that they kill of the regular mobs somehow and wait for the enraged ones to spawn.
  18. Maybe lava?
  19. Or even dropping to death. Both are simple modifications...