#Enraged Baby Zombie Chicken Jockey = OverPowered

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by golddigger221, May 11, 2014.

  1. Possibly due to baby zombies having the same hitboxes as normal ones. That's the reason you can swing a sword above their head and still hit them xD
    jkjkjk182, 607 and zombieslayer010 like this.
  2. It's the texture resource pack, Soartex Fanver 1.7.
  3. You say they are real by posting a thread, then say they aren't?
    You confuse me .-.
    jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  4. well, in rain the fire flickers. but the fire didnt go 3 blocks tall. only the baby zombie was on fire.
    not even the chicken was on fire :confused:
  5. Just creepy...
  6. Because it isn't an "Enraged Chicken" it is a "Enraged Zombie" Only the zombie is on fire.

    It was underground, and the fire wasn't 3 blocks, it was (A little more..) 2 blocks tall. The zombie was above (riding) the chicken so it looked three blocks tall.

  7. Very cool.
    I think complaining about this is probably silly.

    I think it's only been twice that I've seen a baby zombie chicken jockey, and I believe both times were in Single Player offline play.

    It was bad enough that I had a Marlix spawn recently near my new Frontier Outpost location. But then that's also the first time I've had that happen where I was established, and I've been with EMC for just over one year. I remember a Marlix spawn once before, but it was long ago and not where I 'needed' to be. I've read on the forums that Marlix spawns can get quite annoying, but hasn't been a problem for me in the span of a year.

    I can believe baby zombie chicken jockies are just as rare. Heck, Skeleton Spider Jockies are pretty rare, but I ran into a situation the other day where there were two within 30 seconds of each other. I was not in any kind of shape to tangle with them and was able to avoid any aggression. Babie zombies are particularly aggressive, I know, but I suspect you did not take the proper precautions for where you were.

    I have had recent run-ins with mobs that seemed "unfair." For example, boats are still screwed up, and recently I got shot by an Enraged Skeleton while I was supposedly safely out of range off of a coastline, but somehow the code placed me closer and I died in deep water. It probably took me at least 30 minutes just to get back to the spot where I died, and then I had to dive to retrieve my items.

    You are always going to be challenged by mobs or situations that seem too powerful or unfair. This is part of the fun of games, overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges. One of the other funs is being "godlike" within your domain, but that is best accomplished by taking a slow, steady approach to gameplay..... or hacking and becomng a LOSER!
  8. Finally got another one. Switched back to default resource pack for the pics. Took several for a clear shot of the zombie and the chicken. Then I killed and ate them :)

    Ethy202, 607 and Brennian like this.
  9. The rarest mob is an enraged baby zombie riding an enraged ckicken riding an enraged villager. :p
  10. Ive faced around 3 enrged baby zombies and they are hard. One killed me because it had a gold sword and the other two got me really low health. At difficulty 6-7