
Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. The us can stand for United Surfers.
  2. Advertising for EMC on Empire.us Nice!
    {Note Takling ABout the Sig}
  3. Well this shortcut seems nice :) Tho I will stay at my old trusted friend empireminecraft.com :D
  4. Obviously there is a catch. There has to be. We just have to find it. :p lol
  5. Just like the April Fools day.............. *Looks Around*
  6. SexyEMC.com
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  7. Justin is gradually training us to be more lazy.
    Joshposh70 and GameKribJEREMY like this.
  8. What a fantastic idea! Great job Justin ;)
  9. If only JustinGuy put this on the front page of Empire.us

    wrong thread ----______----""
  10. nice, now it will be even easier to add new smp's to my list
  11. Ikr?? It takes for ever when your server ip list gets deleted.... having to type all the old ip's in was like 10mins of work xD
  12. Lukas_3226 likes this.
  13. I'll personally fly to heaven and greet Justin the day we secure EMC.com
    -- Or http://www.EMC.com/ For all you junkies.
  14. Grey text fail. haha
    That would be really nice if we could get it. :)
  15. Yes, it's just a shortcut, really.
    EMC.com is owned by a big powerful cloud corporation. I will personally come with you to heaven when we do get it.
  16. Do you understand how shortcuts work?
    The new URL is a SHORTCUT not a new hosting site.... :FACEPALM:
    jackomighty likes this.
  17. I noticed that a little to soon after clicking my own link! :D
  18. I can't make gray text! Teach me oh great one! :p
  19. like this
    It would be really nice if we could get the url EMC.com. That would be the easiest of all to remember. :)
  20. I was thinking "He replied to the gray text... without... information?...." And still I shall be forever in confusion.

    Gotta be some magic power...