Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. As much as i would love to answer your question, these same questions have been answered here and in other threads many many times. Whar i would recomend is to use the search feature and or scroll thru this thread and read ;)
  2. Does this I can connect in Minecraft 1.2.3... Cause I can't :(
  3. looks like you might be in the same boat as me :(
  4. all downgraded im being told there is an internal error "connection reset"
  5. I have yet to see anything all that great in the wild on SMP1. I can't say anything about the other servers cause I haven't explored them really at all. But all that I have seen is plenty of griefing all over on anything man made and nothing worth wild in the wild. Then there is places like the nether where people decided to destory so much of the area just outside of the spawn and destoryed the nether brick bridges to which meant others had to build new bridges to get across.

    I already assume this will happen after the next update but wont a reset of the wild help with the reset of that protected (yellow) area? Since I was pretty sure Justin mentioned before the smp1-4 maps with the yellow areas couldn't be reset because the maps were to old or something?

    And correct me if im wrong but wasn't the wild's reset after the 1.0/1.1 update. That wasn't very long ago. Not that long to build anything that spectacular. Also the wild isn't a protected zone so people should already know that every now and then it will get reset. Thats what town is for.

    And yes I know some people have villages set up with stuff and all that. But they knew what they were getting into building in the wild.
  6. it wasn't reset at 1.1, it was talked about, but decided it didn't need to happen. yeah resets will happen in the wild every now and then, but it would be best to only do it if it's absolutely necessary. i think if there is anything spectacular in the wild, it will be pretty well hidden anyway. if the only reason is because it will be a bit of a hike to find a jungle biome, I personally think that's a little bit of a selfish reason. anyway, it will be decided by a vote, so whatever happens happens.
  7. Why don't you modify the multiverse code?
  8. are we updating today :)
  9. r we updating? its 5:44 est.
    Kells18 likes this.
  10. My brother updated minecraft on both of our computers and now im scared ill have my residence reset....
  11. I can look into the wide roads in the future. The reason I didn't do it now is it would require a ton of extra logic to detect a road size. The way I did it its just two blocks more above 127, and the small roads are four blocks so you could connect.
  12. YAY!! :)
    No more crazy questions about WHEN is it going to be ready. :D

    NurseKilljoy and Michael_Nolan like this.
  13. i love you justin :)
  14. smp1 will be the first server to get the upgrade, it is currently 20% done converting the worlds. Should take less than an hour more.
  15. Still about 1h? :C
  16. Darn! The minute I come home after being sent to get new trousers it updates -.-
  17. YAY! when I am back from school everything will be upgraded then ! :D but what about smp7? :( when u try to join it atm it says it wont come out till 1.2 is out :#
  18. Wha? It says there is 4/60 on smp3. :confused:
  19. smp7 will be later once everything is stable ;)
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