Empire Brothers - Summer 2016

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iiCory, May 4, 2016.

    The Empire Brothers were established in the fall of 2015 by CoryLovesYou and Erektus. The company does not focus on a single thing, but extends to the following categories:

    We attempt to excel at everything we set our minds to, our threads (Only counting the ones with 1,000+ views) have received over 33,000 views since we began in 2015 and we are looking to achieve far beyond that this year.
    The Empire Brothers are looking for players who want to advance themselves and their business on EMC. If you have a business that you have put a ton of work into but it isn't really succeeding so far, we can help with that.
    Start a conversation with CoryLovesYou and Erektus with a link to your business' thread, if you do not have one just describe your business (How long you've been running it, what it does, etc.) and we will get back to you as soon as possible with further details.
  2. <<<<< If interested this is one of the accounts you can message.

    Oh and by the way, we're also accepting females lol. I've had that question before if we were doing so because our name is "Empire Brothers".
  3. Who are the empire brothers and what do they do?
  4. Empire Brothers is a company on Empire Minecraft that creates content such as Logos, Signatures, and Videos. As well as written guides, "Empire Player Cards", and "Cory's Rupee Central". We are amazing at advertising and excelling at almost anything we do.

    Founded by myself and Co-Owned by Erektus.
  5. Thread received a mini-update.