
Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Tahitan, Oct 17, 2015.


Do you like the idea?

Yes 19 vote(s) 79.2%
No 8 vote(s) 33.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Heads are really, really buggy. You won't be able to control which head a player sees after you change. For one, the heads aren't supposed to update to the new skin. And, they update randomly.
  2. EMC_Head mailed, making more heads!!
  3. I'll take one.
  4. Thank you
  5. Bump, EMC_Head mailed thanks for buying one!!
  6. I paid, will I get my head soon?
  7. It will be mailed within 30 minutes, If I don't make this time you will get 2 heads for one!
  8. Mailed it, Sorry for late post.
    ChumMiner likes this.