EMC Sponsored CTM Map

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. noted
    cddm95ace likes this.
  2. Sorry for the double-post, but I did some reading on the "Book of Souls" / nbteditor stuff and had an intriguing idea.
    Area: Puzzle system requiring the activation (or deactivation) of pistons to progress.
    Method: Each section of the puzzle has a hopper leading to a chest with a comparator tied to it. Depositing the correct item will enter the hopper->chest, activate the chest, and cause the desired Piston effect (extend/retract). In some instances, this will be a sticky piston positioned to cut off the flow of redstone current - retracting it will allow a button or pressure-plate to become active (the circuit is no longer cut off and functions normally).

    In the area, spawn the following:
    • Dustbone
      • Based on regular skeleton
      • Equip Redstone Ore Block on head
      • Gold Boots
      • Modified Bow shoots splash potions of Weakness
      • Chance to drop the redstone ore block on death.
      • RARE: "Dustbone's Skull" (skeleton) Head
    • Red Harbinger
      • Based on Wither skeleton
      • Equip Redstone Block on head
      • Gold Chest and Boots
      • Golden sword with Fire Aspect III
      • Chance to drop redstone block
      • RARE: "Red Harbinger's Skull" (Wither Skeleton) Head
    At certain "safe" checkpoints, put a villager who will trade the following:
    • 1-3 Redstone Ore
    • 18-27 Redstone Dust (decomp from Blocks)
      • Power Core (Blaze Rod)
      • Let's light it up, shall we?
    • Red Harbinger's Skull + 30 Redstone Block
      • Thermal Reflector (Gold Helmet)
      • Fire Resistance VI
      • Thorns III
    Trading is necessary to obtain the Power Cores that move/activate the level. For a bit of extra effort, the Thermal Reflector is a short-lived helm that will help ward off the nasty Fire damage the Harbingers can dish out.
    As an added bonus, the use of "activation" areas can switch spawners on or off, making backtracking less awful, or triggering some unpleasant ambushes.
  3. Have some of the wools as heads to some bosses or have special mobs which have the mods heads on so you collect those to complete the monument for example.
  4. I am starting a shop and one thing I have to worry about is how to get rarer items like diamonds, rare drops, and so on. I would find it interesting if enraged mobs dropped completely random objects from dirt to enchantment tables. It seems it would be fun and would help shop owners with stocking shops and would be fun at the same time.
  5. Due to your amazing ability to make.... things... we have decide to release a little bit more information so you can cater this ability towards what we are actually doing.

    We will have a certain set amount of worlds that the players will visit to obtain their wool. I will list a couple here to let your imagination move towards those. Dont let these become a 'limit' as they are more of 'themes' to the building and the terrain. We can add anything to them as long as somehow it just fits the theme.


    A desert world with hidden surprises, and tombs the players must progress through to reach the goal. There are many large landmasses and interesting hidden pathways.

    Water World
    Here the players will spend most of their time submerged. Not much other details given

    Giant World
    The world has grown around you. you must navigate through what would be everyday objects/obstacles but a mere 1/10th of your original size.

    Wastelands (like nuclear fallout and such)
    The Bomb has dropped. You have survived. Navigate through the wastelands and claim the prizes.

    These are just a few of the worlds.. share your ideas :).
  6. Name: Potato of Life
    Item: Potato
    Special Attributes: Efficiency X, Silk Touch I
    Lore: "The Potato Gods has blessed you with the power of the potato" (Color/Brown. In Bold.)
    k so the potato of life will be in the wastelands kthxbai :D
  7. I'm just happy if you find any of this useful. I look forward to seeing the finished map. :)
    Arevir Oasis
    -A magnificent palace of sandstone, lapis, and emerald, atop a floating island. But how to reach it?

    Make the biome directly around the island Jungle, so that lush grass and plants can grow up above. Below it, scattered throughout the area is what appears to be the ruins of a village. In and around the buildings are various zombies (fire-resistance + strength II effect). Name them if you wish, each should be unique. When killed, they drop a single "page" (renamed paper) with a small amount of lore text.
    • Page 12
      • "Markus is looking worse. Much worse."
    • Page 16
      • "Why didn't we run? We should have run."
    A special Librarian villager, Jimothy, hides in a secure tomb nearby (where mobs can't kill him). He can "compile" these pages into a book that will reveal the way to the floating island.
    -Each page has a 1:1 trade for "compiled records" - final trade is X records for the book itself. Be sure these records can stack!
    (For simplicity's sake, we can make this an Enchanted Book, rather than written. PM me if you actually want a writeup of pages and finished book).
    • Arevir's Shadow
      • Paradise above, but hell on earth

    The book is actually worthless. Throw it at Jimothy, and it falls into a hopper->"empty" chest, where adding a single item will cause the system to activate. From below in the tomb, all the player will hear is pistons.
    When they go outside, a sand pillar has extended upwards, precisely in line with a long vine growing down from the floating island. Climbing this vine leads to a bit of parkour, hopping from floating bits of rock, dirt, and sand. Vines may make the task easier. These lead into a small cave/tunnel that exits on the island's surface.

    Once at the gates of the floating palace, the player's task is a bit more straightforward. Skeletal guards with diamond swords and armor, fireproofed zombies, and one very pissed off Blaze (miniboss type), all in need of killing. The palace, while beautiful, is a confusing labyrinth and easy to get lost in. The center of the mess is the Blaze's lair, where his death will drop the monument piece.

    The ruined Library and Herbert's writings would fit well here, I think ;)
    jacob5089 and cddm95ace like this.
  8. This is an off-emc map that plays directly on it's own with no ties to the EMC servers. :)
  9. Name: Heavenly Wrath
    Attribute: Causes a few bolts of lightning to strike nearby to damage other mobs.
    Lore: "Results will be rather shocking!"
  10. Name: Lizard's Elixir of Breathing (Color Green)
    Special Attributes: Ability To Breath underwater for the Duration of the potion
    Lore: 'Tis only the most talkative of the few that may use this Potion
  11. I suggest the pie of violence. Enchanted pie that has Knockback II and Sharpness IV?
    RainbowChin likes this.
  12. Name: Potion Of Anti-Violence
    Effects: Resist 127 for 1:00
    Weakness 127 for 1:00
    Lore: "Do No Harm"

    Name: Potion Of Death
    Effects: Resist 255 for 1:00
    Sharpness 127 for 1:00
    Lore: "When Gandhi Advocated his Philosophy of Non-Violence, i bet he didn't know how much fun it was killing stuff!"
  13. Name: The porcupine's defense
    Ability: 5 uses shoots a sphere of unretrievable arrows around the player to do damage
    In game item: an enchanted arrow
    Lore: You have proven your skills, now wield this power with caution!
  14. I call map art!!!
    Maps can be used for so many things! Custom paintings work well, but you're limited to a very small number of them per resource pack. With custom maps, you can have thousands! Here are just a few examples of what they could be used for:
    *(hanging) Maps to show where the player is/needs to go:

    *Unique keys to certain areas (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZhTy1Nki9w)
    *Images of well-known players/staff
    *text to guide the player along (more compact/legible than signs, faster to read than books)

    If you need help making/implementing maps, by all means contact me! I've pretty much got it down to an art.

    I also highly suggest you use TrazLander's crazy awesome spawner filters for spawning in structures and other stuff:

    The possibilities are almost endless. I'm not sure, but it might even be possible to spawn these blocks relative to a player's position.
    Lava wall on demand, anyone?

    Be sure to use a custom resource pack. The audio, in particular, makes the experience a million times more unique:

    Keep in mind that you can use command blocks to enhance unique items. SimplySarc and Sethbling both have lots of ideas for doing this:
  15. Because I could:
    Cordial_Pie and cddm95ace like this.
  16. i made some fancy zombie spawners a while backs i can give you some schematics of them like a scooba diver zombie
  17. I played when he first made the super hostile maps, back then there wasnt really OP tools :p

    I just hope that we dont get way to OP tools, or if we do KFJDSN loads of mobs please :D
  18. Maybe some kind of select option? Normal you get decent tools but only kinda hard mobs (mainly just number i think)

    Or Hard (super OP tools, but you you better bring friends because this fight will epic)
  19. It's fair if OP tools + Extreme mob amount/very hard mobs :p

    btw I have a tool suggestion:

    Sign named " I'm Back " with knockback 5 :D