EMC Pricing Survey?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by M4ster_M1ner, Nov 29, 2012.

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  1. Just look at those dead eyes staring out of the screen at you... You know he doesn't have your best interest in mind.
    SoulPunisher and JackBiggin like this.
  2. I awaken each day with thoughts of the Dragon Portal update, then realize I was just dreaming. I usually spend the remainder of each day sobbing uncontrollably.
  3. We understand that, and the economy will still be there, just easier to find stuff.

    Yes, the concept of asking in chat for where to find items will go away, but we dont WANT chat to be focused primarily on economy...

    Chat should be used to talk to each other socially or meeting people people to play the game with.

    The Dragon Update is the first step to a huge change in direction of the community.

    Our vision is that the community will be based off teamwork and socializing. People will ask who wants to work with them on X task, or do Y thing together.

    Then you'll still have your regular "Special on my diamond prices! come and get them at ####".

    Economy will still have some use in Chat, it just won't be the primary any longer.

    More fun things will replace it :) Spend more time playing the game together and meeting new people instead of spending time finding a shop that sells an item you need. That is where we are heading to.
  4. Sounds Great! Change is always going to be hard for some people. But it keeps things fresh, and it is what makes this server stand out from the others. The new shop system will make it easier for newer players to get their footing. It will also help older emc'ers keep building awesome projects without having to spend all day clicking empty shop signs.
  5. The reason that they are not giving the reason for the survey is they want to be discreet and receive unbiased answers. If they said this if for the new /shop we would give ridiculously low priced goods. Also pricing is like it is in the real world. The market always changes and it's hard to take the human touch and put numbers to it such as laziness and ambition to obtain such items. It's supposed to subjective.
  6. Not confirming or denying that conversation happening. But the legitimacy of this screenshot is weak at best. For example: chickeneer is not capitalized...
    supereskimo likes this.
  7. Check again - when Photoshopping it I make sure of it xP
    supereskimo and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. I think he means that the "c" is capitalized. It's not supposed to be. Gotcha
  9. *hits head against wall*
    Did I really do that?...
    chickeneer and PenguinDJ like this.
  10. I was trying to be subtle with pointing it out :p I am more concerned about where you got the chat log from to reproduce that.
  11. Let me find the thread...
    EDIT: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/the-adventure.6955/

    That's the format. The original chat-log was bought off eBay from a seller called "NotIcecreamCow".
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. Max does live streams... she chats in /ch m occasionally.
  13. I understand where he got the format. But... I swear I remember having the specific conversation in-game
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  14. Blame the shady seller on eBay...

    Among other things, he was selling "Emerald Supporter" for $9001, "Probably not Square's source code", which had a highest bid of $29.91 last time I checked, and "Ruin the economy in 3 easy steps".
    chickeneer likes this.
  15. xD "When in doubt, blame Aikar".
    JackBiggin and nfell2009 like this.
  16. No.... "When in doubt, blame IcecreamCow. When changing something, blame Eyecar".
    nfell2009 likes this.
  17. No. Only Aikar. Only Aikar gets the blame xD
    JackBiggin and IcecreamCow like this.
  18. "When happy tell nfell2009. If its good then tell nfell2009, when its bad, tell JackBiggin to complain to IcecreamCow"
  19. This is my personal opinion, but it's backed up by joining hundreds of servers. EMC has the BEST economy anywhere. That happens because:
    - Residences protect items, giving clear ownership.
    - Residences allow for nearly instant transportation, and branding.
    - Shops allow transactions to happen quickly and reliably.
    - Lots of players, allow for many players in the market, similar to a real economy.
    - Rupee printouts so you can see what happened when you're offline.

    Other servers DO NOT have these same features. They simply cannot compete in terms of economy. Personally, the economy is what keeps me coming back to EMC. Without it, I probably would not be playing anymore.

    Still, I agree with Aikar that it shouldn't be the main focus of EMC. There needs to be other things. I personally think if friendships and relationships are to be formed outside the economy, if people are going to keep coming back for more reasons than just an obligation to their customers, you need more:
    - Random events in the wild.
    - Reason to visit the wild (other than just to get stuff to sell).
    - Ways to move around the wild quickly.

    The way things are now, the wild is basically a looting ground for the economy. A few people establish bases and what not, but very rarely for a purpose aside from ultimately accumulating wealth.
  20. *feeling of relief* :)
    Not that one could really succeed in making economy less important, but trying to do so could create a mess.

    Perhaps there is a minority that is primarily interested in economy and "playing the market," but this is not important, this is not what I'm talking about or why I would like to see a better economy.

    It is not focus on economy vs. focus on things X and Y. No matter what people in the game focus on mostly in a given period, the economy is always there, intermixed in the gameplay, interwoven with the community life. If you want a strong community, you need - among other things - a stable economy.

    The economy would be there even without the shop system - but the shop system aids the economy immensely. Functioning economy aids the community, it boost its development as a whole and it boosts development of any participant individually. This is why people accept the EMC economy in spite of its flaws, this is why it is important. This is why saying "focus more on the community and less on economy" would not really make sense.

    Yes it will. I wonder if people here realize what effects it will bring. I wonder if you realize that it will boost all of it, all its aspects. I'm looking forward to it with a pleasant and somewhat tingling anticipation. :)

    Generally, politics can be successful if it is a service to the community and follows the natural development of the community. The best what it can do is to provide a sound basis for possible developments.

    If this is turned upside-down and politics (consciously or unconsciously, explicitly or subtly, openly or hidden) starts to expect the community to serve it (the ideas, the politicians, the government) and/or starts to impose distinct development on the community, it is bound to failure. Consider this with all statements like "we want [the community / EMC / the people, ...] to ...," and statements about "knowing" what "will be," "knowing" how the community will and "should" develop. This "knowing" how others are, or/and how they "should be" or "should change" is a kind of, or better said it is the basis of violence towards a community and the people. This does not work.

    I'm sorry if this sounds like "teaching" without explaining, I don't have enough time at the moment, I hope it is obvious enough...
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