Okay, so after spending quite some time and determined dedication to this, I can now say...Finis It was a cool idea, and what is this about an upcoming 40 * 40 grid search? I would be game Could do something similar with names of people, but could also mix it up and throw in common EMC teminology like Enraged, Marlix, Momentus, Voters, Valens, Avalauncher, NetherHound, BlizzArd, ICC Eggnog, and so many other unique promos to the Empire. Could be a how well do you know your Empire Puzzle maybe? That is not to say just throwing in some common minecraft terms would be less fun. Redstone, Lapis, Emerald, Diamond, Gold, Clay... the possible options are vast. Keep up the good work entertaining us here in the Empire 607, I really enjoyed the puzzle. KnightZer0ne Tempered Outpost Founder
I am very impressed by KnightZer0ne having completed the puzzle. But don't be intimated by him having done so: it's completely fine if you submit a picture containing only 10-20 names as well. I'm still looking forward to other people showing their findings! (and please don't share your findings with other people until the answers have been revealed and the prizes have been given :3)
I will pay out the prizes no matter what, but I'd like to first see if some more people would like to try, especially now that schools are ending.
This is going to end next weekend! I mean, you could still do the word search, but I'll reveal the answers, and reward prizes to people.
Here we go. Two months since starting this contest, I am ending it, and publishing the results. Get ready, everyone. Everyone who found at least 10 names (which shouldn't have been too big of a problem, even by just reading the word search from left to right) gets rewarded in accordance to the following two formulas, where the amounts of names found is x. x * 200 = amount of rupees ceiling(x / (3/2)) = amount of Club Points 10-20 RainbowPony is the only one in this category. Still an impressive effort on her part, and she said she didn't want any prizes, so I guess it's no problem she gets less than the others. RainbowPony: 16 names - 3200 rupees - 11 CP 20-30 This result is AncientTower's. He thought he found 22, but shortly after posting, he realised he also found Jelle, so I'll count it as 23. AncientTower: 23 names - 4600 rupees - 16 CP Next up, here's RandomBumbleBee. What is interesting to see to me, is how not any diagonals were found here. RandomBumbleBee: 24 names - 4800 rupees - 16 CP Slvr was the first to submit an entry. And I like to think I might've summoned her when I reported a post sharing a result publicly. Even though it isn't listed among the names on the right, she did find Aikar. Slvr: 27 names - 5400 rupees - 18 CP On the first page, Fluffemarshmallo mentioned having found 28 names. However, I couldn't find any pm of hers. I decided to reward her anyway, as she probably just forgot. Fluffemarshmallo: 28 names - 5600 rupees - 19 CP 30-40 Haastregt is the only one who ended up in this category. He found 38 names at first, of which 2 unintended and excluded (which he pointed out himself). A bit later, he did find another name, so that brings him at 37 total. I was really impressed by this entry. haastregt - 37 names - 7400 rupees - 25 CP 40-43 When I made this, at first I didn't even specify exactly how many names were in it. I simply stated 'over 40', as I thought nobody would get that much anyway. Well, I was proven wrong. Very wrong. One of the reasons for ending this Word Search so late, is wanting Tom to participate. I thought he'd like this and be good at it, but he just constantly went on vacations... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But he finally had time on his hands, this weekend. And perhaps a little too much time, it seems. Because after 5 hours of work, this was delivered. Included are 4 unintended names, and forty-two intended ones. That. Is. Impressive. A strategy I quite appreciated, was looking for spaces on the word search unoccupied by lines, and looking for names there. That was a good strategy indeed, as the space was filled as much as possible! But there is one name Tom did not find. I expected it to be Deshoda, as that was the last one for KnightZer0ne to find. But no, it is actually a really long name, of an active member, whom I am following. Sorry, Tom! >:D ForeverMaster is the only name Tom didn't find. TomvanWijnen: 42 names - 8200 rupees - 28 CP But there is one person, who caught them all, after a truly epic journey (these messages are shared with consent). Spent too much time on it? Perhaps. But this knight was going to spend more! And the next day: In cases such as these, I thought I should be gracious enough to confirm. This one, KnightZer0ne was able to confirm himself: And then... Very impressive!! One strategy he used in particular was one I hadn't thought about, but was a very smart one. I wonder if anyone else did the same? KnightZer0ne: 43 names - 8600 rupees - 29 CP + 5 bonus for finding all = 34 CP Here are the hidden names, for horizontal, vertical and diagonal: courtesy of KnightZer0ne. It's interesting to see how there are so little vertical names compared to horizontal ones... I guess the algorithm tried to fit in horizontal names first, and then had less room for vertical names. Which might've made it easier to find a good amount of names, as generally, I think most people read a word search from left to right, when first going through it. This is a picture I made, of all the names together: It looks quite wonderful, doesn't it? :D I will pay out the prizes as soon as possible. Anyone who isn't on the CP Leaderboards yet, I will add, and otherwise the Points will simply get added to your total lifetime and total currently possessed. ^.^ PS: Originally, Khixan, Dufne and one other member that I can't recall, were supposed to be added in as well, but the algorithm couldn't fit them.
I believe the other name was Ahksel... as it is sorta fit in there diagonally / horizontally. I appreciate the word search 607 and look forward to the next one you come up with, and who knows...you may even invent a Sudoku that has 607 in each of the 9 boxes somehow...heh. That may be impossible, but I bet you have to try now As my sentiment was relayed earlier in your post. Keep on Entertaining the Empire 607...May the Forums be with You KnightZer0ne Tempered Outpost Founder