This is only part of an art piece I've done about 6 months ago. On the Bottom Left is my character's evil doppelganger, known as Caleb. The boy with the Red cap is my character, Antinanco. Not a Pokemon Trainer. :T
I'm seeing a lot of really great art on this thread and I thought I'd add my...well...not so great art into this. Okay it's not bad, but it's not the best. Anyway all I ever draw are animals so here are two anthro love? I don't know. It's kinda cute in a way. xD
Dang. On my iPad…otherwise, be showing off some of my epic masterpiece of doodles I drew in my planner during school instead of working.
Thread really needs a revive, and I'm not getting the red 'do not bump' message. So here's something I whipped up a few weeks ago. Not the best i've done, because my sketches are more realistic than anything but I like my cartoon-y style.
If animation is art, and art is in the eye of the beholder, then you better be a pretty lenient beholder.
Are you sure? That just has to be a Toaster, oh, no wait! I see it now! I found a non-watercolor variant.