EMC Hunger Games! (This one will actually happen!)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by uglydragon, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. :rolleyes:
  2. i'm so exited:p
  3. I may be a few minutes late today, however I will try to get on as soon as I can.
  4. What time is it at?
  5. 8 oclock
  6. I was never added to convo..... :rolleyes:
  7. 8:00 PM right?
  8. Hope so- if not, we all missed it :p its 10:43 EST right now
  10. I think I would like to be a sponsor for jacob5089. Go team Jacob! :p
    jacob5089 likes this.
  11. I believe our name is currently in voting- Two out of two votes for nuclear werewolves, it'll probably end up as that :p
    EDIT- Wrong thread... Thought this was Voltz war.... :oops:
  12. Id like to be a sponser for team electro, ijk.:D
  13. Isn't the game going on right now? What server is it????
  14. It starts in nine hours
  15. Oops...... I thought it was 8:00 AM..... My bad. :oops:
  16. I think im going to have to drop out... I am part of a different event that I thought started at 7:00- turns out it was at eight. So... Sorry. Hope you can find a replacement.
  17. Oh god. That put an end to my planning
  18. everyone read the inbox uglydragon sent! new ip!