EMC global outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by jkrmnj, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. already there
  2. I'm getting stuff together to travel to Albion. I've decided not to use voter's gear, both because it seems fun to me to have to deal with durability for once and because I'd like to keep a set ready at all times, and if one of the two is in the Frontier permanently I won't be able to use it for other purposes.
    And I've got enough unused tools left from drop parties and such anyway. :p
    ILTG and Pab10S like this.
  3. Well, that was easy! I didn't even really need the guide! It's nice, though. :)
    ILTG likes this.
  4. I explored the entire island, and took a lot of screenshots, although I don't really feel like sharing them.
    It's a nice place, but it does feel quite abandoned as it is now. There's some stuff there, but there's also a lot that doesn't seem to work properly. But we can change that!
    I also put my difficulty down to 5, to hopefully prevent accidental creeper blasts.
    ILTG likes this.
  5. I havent seen much of you guys out there. hope to see more activity
    607 and ILTG like this.
  6. I am currently busy with the Constitution. MBA sent me his modification and I made some tweaks to it as well. It should be ready to vote on very soon. Once that happens, I will be more active in-game with the outpost.

    Other than the rail system, are there any other projects we will want to work on soon?
    ILTG, 607 and mba2012 like this.
  7. A little late, but ILTG's proposition passed. The claim's name is officially Albion. Check the spreadsheet on the OP and go to the second tab to see it.
    ILTG, devon699 and 607 like this.
  8. Awesome :)

    I've been very busy with other things, but school's closed tomorrow, and I've got a ton of free time this weekend. I'll try to visit and get some stuff done. (Mostly the filling of creeper holes, placing of torches, and possibly the removal of a home [I may decide to finish the house, or clear it so someone else can have a little plot].)
    607 and mba2012 like this.
  9. I have officially submitted the Constitution for voting. Here is a link to the vote: https://goo.gl/forms/yosqYeMNV5Gupe0m2

    The Constitution is linked to in the vote. Credit to mba for writing most of it. You can see the results link in the sheet on the OP.
    ILTG likes this.
  10. Bump for fun. I started chopping some trees and discovered the fun of elytra and fireworks out there.
  11. I honestly didn't read it entirely, this isn't really my thing. But it looks good, so I'll vote to let it pass.
  12. I have a few questions regarding the proposed GO Constitution generally regarding what a Claim represents.

    Does a Claim need to be within the EMC Outpost boundaries of the GO? Can it nearby or even far away? What benefit do the players in the Claim gain other than representation in the GO?

    The proposed Constitution states that a Claim must be represented by three players. If a single player wants to build something within the GO do they have to get permission directly from them? If it is within a Claim does their permission come from the Claim leadership or does it also need to come from GO leadership?

    My interest in GO is generally to help support the group. I'll probably build a house/base of some sort and try to help any larger builds if I am allowed.
    607 likes this.
  13. I'll answer each question in a bullet to make it organized:
    • A claim is just the actual land and can be anywhere on EMC. For example, Albion is a claim. If we later decide that there should be additional land for the GO on SMP2, it will first pass here then be established officially by someone.
    • Everyone is already a member of the GO so they can already partake in the claims. That would make the main benefit that the player can build and enjoy an outpost where they have a direct voice in controlling it. They can propose additional benefits and try to shape the outpost however they want.
    • Whether you need permission from the 3 leaders depends on what the leaders decide. The 3 leaders must answer directly to the people and can be removed if they upset too many. If leaders are elected that support requiring permission to build anything, that will be what happens. If leaders are elected that support allowing anyone to build wherever or something in between, that will happen instead.
    • Who gives permission to build would also decided by the leaders and all of my previous points apply.
    Pab10S likes this.
  14. Status Update:
    The Constitution has passed! Before we have a fully functioning government, we just have to elect the 3 Claim Leaders. Here is the form for nominating yourself. In one week we will put up a vote.

    I have begun building a thing at the outpost! My intention is for it to be a river house. You can find it near the port on a small hill.
    607 likes this.
  15. I read the constitution, and it makes sense, but it's pretty high level. Can we shift to the tactical / practical for a moment? Lets say I found a place that I'd like to build a small house (maybe 20x30 or so) and a fenced in pasture (20x20). That opens a whole can of questions:

    Who do I ask before I start cutting down trees?
    How do I mark it - with torches and signs?
    Is some amount of space around my house "mine" or could someone build a house 5 blocks away from the fence in the middle of my pasture without even saying hello?
    And, the most evil of issues, eminent domain. If I build somewhere, can I depend that some railroad that comes through in the future will go around my house?

    607 and Pab10S like this.
  16. Check out my response to Pab10S a few posts above yours. Basically, whoever gets elected will decide on those things. The purpose of the Constitution is to say how we do things; now we are moving onto the what.

    For now though, we have a simple rule passed that covers building. Anything you make plus a five block extension in all directions is yours and can't be touched by others. You can cut down trees and mine without needing permission. As for your last question, it is hard to say since that heavily depends on who is elected. My recommendation would be to vote for a Claim Leader that will prevent that from happening (or nominate yourself).
  17. Woop Woop it's on 9!!! Will be there
    jkrmnj likes this.
  18. mba2012 likes this.
  19. Hey, sorry I haven't been responding recently. I've been unexpectedly busy :p

    I'll be nominating myself for election for claim leader. I've got one question though, if we only get three nominations, or less, do those people automatically get elected?
    607 and jkrmnj like this.
  20. Yes, since it is impossible for them to lose.