EMC Game 54

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by highlancer54, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Glorious
  2. Yay for more bad photo skills!

    Alex the lion and a loto ticket
    PenguinDJ and PandasEatRamen like this.
  3. :):):)
    +1 if you actually used the sharpies on your skin!
  4. Heh ya thats the tough part... im personally gonna try to get all in one shot, but maybe without numbers unless there something i can do easily.
    Im only doin numbers if It makes a huge difference...**looks at 607**
    607 likes this.
  5. Anyone have a chicken? Take a picture of its ear for my alt ChickenEar
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  6. Sorry couldn't resize or rotate the pictures on work computer
    Ton "
  7. Awww the images are broken :-(
    607 likes this.
  8. Fixed it :D
  9. Looking at these is very funny, but i cant seem to find anything in my house xD
  10. Anybody have a ghost and a chain around in their house...? :p
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  11. If i had i ghost he would be the thing in the chains xD
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  12. I found this not around house, but still though it was funny, sorry Battmeghs xD
    Gadget_AD and highlancer54 like this.
  13. Very Nice but lets try to keep like op wanted from items you find around your house or see while your out of the house and not google search because that will make the game not as challenging.
    607 and highlancer54 like this.
  14. This one took me all of 2 minutes to make.

    If anyone can make my username out of common objects and not using letters will get 5k.
    Edit: sorry about not understanding the rules correctly. I just saw the post above me about using common items. My 5k challenge still stands.
    highlancer54 likes this.
  15. MM
    mmm..... still found it funny tho :D
  16. This thread is just really really bad jokes but I love it so much
  17. got to love the jokes :D
    highlancer54 and AliceF3 like this.
  18. I found Chin's other side!

    607, AliceF3, Olaf_C and 3 others like this.