Drawing your Character Chibi-ish Style!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by moonolotl, Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. I'm gonna leave that one until last just because yours to me is the hardest to draw, I don't even know if i can draw it tbh XD But yea, I'll try
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. Order:
    MY Skin... obvi XD
    I'll update my skin after i write dis EDITED!
    I'll defo donate
    607 likes this.
  3. Ok you've been added to the list =3
    TehrandomX likes this.
  4. I'm thinking my skin would be easy
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  5. If you have the time, I'd love one! My character is human, without any crazy features, so it should hopefully be fairly simple. If you could, I'd like him to have an indifferent, almost bored expression, rather than a smile. Thanks! :D

    607 likes this.
  6. Looks easy to me, and looks pretty fun to draw too =D
    607 likes this.
  7. Sure! =3 Added to the list
    607 and Uber_Corq like this.
  8. One more done. I gotta go to bed, so tired rn... I'll start doing the rest tommorow. Night guys
    EDIT : I think I forgot the wings xwx I can edit it if you need
    607 likes this.
  9. Great work so far! Would you do mine, too? He's a pirate captain style skin.
  10. I can try, I can't guarantee the hat will turn out perfect xD
  11. I'd like one. Can you go off my skin?

    (Just the skin itself, not the background)
  12. kewl mine's really neat thx!
    607 and Chewsy4 like this.
  13. Can ya draw mine? I looked at your other drawings and I was amazed!!!! :D If it takes a while, I don't mine. :)
    607 likes this.
  14. I'll add you two to the list once I'm back from school :D
    Glad you like it :D
    607 likes this.
  15. Will you do me? Are you able to do a horse with it or not? It is not a big deal if you can't. I will stop by and donate to you today!
  16. I have given you 500r! Hope it helps!
  17. Sadly I can't draw horses. Thanks for the donation! :D
    P.S Your on the list =3
  18. Have you changed your name? I can't seem to get your skin using the name you have on emc :/
  19. Is your character supposed to be a dog? If so I can try and make a human like dog if you want xD
  20. It's a bowl of soup with legs and a face on it..

    How is that a dog? XD
    TehrandomX likes this.
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