[Dragon Tombs Exposed] Sharing the Knowledge with the community!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bro_im_infinite, Mar 15, 2015.


How long have YOU been waiting for DragonTombs?

>3 Years 36 vote(s) 35.3%
3 Years 13 vote(s) 12.7%
2 Years 20 vote(s) 19.6%
1 Year 13 vote(s) 12.7%
<1 Year 20 vote(s) 19.6%
  1. None of the original code is being used. I didn't know java when I wrote the first code, its easier to start over than to update it, since so much has changed since the initial ideas.

    So, as its been said 4 parts, we have 2 parts done, part 3 is next major focus which will include more survival updates.

    Once I get some smaller items (stinking miniboss issues) out of way ill be working on pt3.

    DT is a vision of a progression system. Each step of the progression is code to be wrote.