Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Mind sending me a random hatchie?
  2. What's that supposed to mean? ;)
  3. Nice job! Also...

    He's a Thuwed. 6th gen! That considered low?
  4. Lucky.... Ima check all my lineages for thuweds and dorkface

    Unless anyone has heard of narserg, then I got nothing except my thuwed
  5. My green and my harvest grew up :D Secret dragon egg project is still underway, and if you visit
    you will find a fogged egg. This is the secret project ;)
  6. Anyone think i should get another egg
  7. Your account, your decision.
  8. I finally got a lumia! ( and its a cb )
    Click my eggs!
  9. nice! my split grew up :D
  10. got my first rare dragon egg today , a black dragon egg :D
    Nole972 likes this.
  11. Ya know what I can't stand? Unnamed dragons. If you don't have enough time to name your dragons, you don't care about them that much IMO.
  12. My "seasonals" start appearing sometime tommorrow in DC.. :3
  13. Yes. I'm staying up until midnight EDT to get some of the first 2012 falls.
  14. If it has a face, it has a name.. :3 (Unless of course it is a faceless dragon.. xD)
  15. Anyone know a good name for a summer seasonal?
  16. Low on special lineaged (ie. Thuwed, Dorkface, Dusk, D'Hennegel) is considered to 5th and below..
  17. my eggs are all close to hatching!
  18. Wow I haven't been getting alerts. XD Page 67 is where I last saw a post.