Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. My Leetle Tree changed!

    Here it is:
  2. Yeah, apparently they change with the seasons.. instead of being locked in like the seasonals.. My leetle changed too.. :3
  3. Im gonna go find an egg
  4. I like how the seasonals don't and the Leetles do change.
  5. No new seasonal for me :(

    But that's ok, I'll keep trying! ;)
  6. Meh, I only have Commons/Uncommons....

    Anyone have tips to get Rares or Seasonals? :D
  7. Finally!
    I finally got my CB Magma!
    (You people cannot even fathom the amount of willpower that went into conjuring that.)
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  8. Meh.... due to me having the laggiest and worst PC ever....
    I missed the Hourly Drop by 30-50 seconds.
  9. JUST missed an Autumn at the AP.... I'm getting closer to this good stuff :D

    Edit: Happened again :(
  10. Sorry for triple-post, my I just got a Vampire through the AP :D
  11. At this point, I'm quite desperate for an Ice. The thing I won't give away is my fall, but I will trade that black egg.
  12. I can breed ice in a few days, I'll see if I can get you one. I only have one ice, so what would you like the father to be?
  13. Wow, thanks Crazy!

    I don't care what the father is.
  14. I am desperate for an ice also.
  15. Random lumina I ust picked up.
  16. Just got another brimstone.
  17. Woohoo, my first autumn already :D
    Edit: That lineage...
    I also got my hellfire...Which is something i've wanted for a long time.
  18. Nice Lineage
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  19. Anyone else thinks this needs a new thread?