Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. When my new summer matures into an adult i'll breed them together (hopefully) before the 22nd and i'll give you it :)
  2. idk if i should get another egg
  3. Gonna count my Pretties...

    Edit: got 34 dragons :D
  4. My black dragon hatched and my other 2 hatchlings matured; the ridgewing dragons are hatching :D
  5. My magi grew up :D My green is a few minutes away and so is my harvest. And then my bright breasted wyvern should hatch and my other summer should grow.

    EDIT: I can now trade. Who wants...

    Another edit: I failed. Still getting the grips of transportation.
  6. Trade for a geode? (Please :) )
  7. 45. 51 or so total, but they need to be non-growing.
  8. My little ones need views! ;)

  9. Clicked them all.
  10. Red, we're u counting mine, or yours??
  11. I have... 42 adults.
  12. Already have a geode, but how about this?
    When it grows up Ill breed 2 of them and trade you the egg :D?
    moyaboya likes this.
  13. Oh good, that's 46.
  14. Neglected Dragon, Attempt 2.
    Breed: Dark Myst Pygmy
    Time left: 2d 2h
    Origins: CB
  15. Neglected dragon, attempt 3
    Breed: Purple Dorsal Dragon
    Time left: 2d 22h
    Origins: CB
  16. And I got a second seasonal!
  17. Same here.
  18. Isn't that ironic.