Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Xandrow, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. That's just a visual bug, most of the time. :) Unless you mean during 1.3 - you might appear to be taking in a lot but it's actually lagging, then you log out and it was never actually going into you and it basically de-spawns.
    Yep. :)
  2. True but from what he is saying it sounds like EMC is having the worst lag ever.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. True, but EMC has 10 servers that just updated to 1.3.1 a really laggy update in general. So with 10 servers EMC is sure to lag up after updating.
  4. Well, it's going through some pretty dodgy lag due to the 1.3 upgrade. What's wrong with saying the truth? It is, ahaha. It should be fixed in the next few days anyway.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. I filled an inventory of cobblestone walked down to my furnace room and I had none puzzled I went back. It was just lag and was in the chest
    AlexChance likes this.
  6. Xandrow give me a access sign for one of your chests on your lot I can give you a really good enchanted pickaxe that will make up for your loss.
    nmanley likes this.
  7. Am I the only this has never happened too? :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  8. I don't need free stuff, and I already have tons of enchanted pickaxes. But thanks anyways, glad to see helpsome peeps :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  9. I tried this and it didnt happen to me.

    I can potentially understand losing XP if logging out really quick due to how the XP saving works, but losing items from logging out doesnt make sense.

    If anyone can reproduce it consistently with item loss please PM me
  10. I'm a little skeptical of the whole "losing items chest glitch", at least until it happens to me. I have yet to lose anything. I have had items magically return to my inventory from a chest, but I haven't had anything just vanish yet.
  11. It only happens when the chest dosnt "open" like it should, when you don't see the chest open animation that means that your opened chest is only client sided. Or this is how I see it. :)

    And yesterday I lost 18picks because I didn't notice the "false" opened chest :)
  12. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about this.
    I'm sorry for your pain.
    Xandrow likes this.
  13. It's not lag and it's not always the updates. I think it's some of the special coding that is used on EMC. I've been playing on simple servers and not had ANY of the problems I'm seeing here. Just an observation
  14. This might be true, I don't get that wierd chest lag when I'm on other servers but I still get the "tp" back bug.
  15. Yeah, I've had a few things go missing too, and I did log off straight after putting them in a chest. They have disappeared from all my chests. It's a pity, but ah well.

    On the other hand, ICC did warn us about this days ago in the front-paged thread :p
  16. I've had this on several servers. Tekkit, Empire, general Minecraft servers.
  17. Everyone should bear in mind that not all of us have experienced said issues. (other than general lag)
  18. Xandrow some people's items duplicated as mine did. I asked one of the head staff he said ether he will destroy them, or me, or we can hand them out to people who lost their items which I'm doing. You should take the pickaxe its really good.
    nmanley likes this.
  19. This should win the proper English award of the year.
    nmanley and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  20. But I don't have any need for more pickaxes. Trust me, I have like a double chest or so full with enchanted ones. Just give it to a random player on your smp, and say it was from me =P
    nmanley likes this.