[DEBATE] 4th Supporter Member Status?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MEINCRAVTA, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. I like Lapis.. It suits more.
  2. :( i liked obsidian...
  3. I like diamond.
    AlexChance and SecretAznEks like this.
  4. And we all know where he lives now.
  5. how is it that i haven't been there yet

    it could go both ways but overall there is no dishing advantage or disadvantage
  6. its kinda against the law like mynetdude said
  7. Thanks guys! Keep it comin'!
  8. Its funny cause I think I'm the only one who read the terms and conditions.
  9. You are not alone. I can read too :)
    thecontroller likes this.
  10. I've read them.
    thecontroller likes this.
  11. XD lol Secret's comment made me laugh! Good job you can read! Look I even made you a Achievement Get!
    SecretAznEks likes this.