DAY OF WAR (Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. China continues bombing raids on ground forces while navy moves in on American naval fleet.
  2. Ground troops meet heavy resistance at Philly but wipes them out. France is victorious.
  3. Chuck Norris suggests Peace as his beard would kill all if not tamed.
  4. China hurredly moves into France and begins to aid in repairs.
  5. Orleans is taken out and Philly is defended by the 400k men left from draft. They are untrained, but vast in number. Will draft peace agreement and retributions will be paid.
  6. Renegade attacks all countries! :O
  7. US slaughters all Renegade members at Guantanamo Bay.
  8. Wait, isn't us gone?
  9. France defeats US…Orléans and Versailles still stand. Orléans still has the remaining 1.5 million in the army plus everything else stationed there. Defeats US forces there.
  10. Yes. US freedom fighters can still play though.
  11. China uses extra naval fleet on defense to kill all renegade.
  12. US isn't defeated if they are still in Philly. Versailles does not stand and U.S. threatens to use two last warheads. If peace will not be found.
  13. Read 2nd post of this page.
    penfoldex likes this.
  14. Dude, Philly was bombed like 5 times. I'm pretty sure you lost.
  15. Read my post
  16. American "freedom fighters" off shore in Mediterranean use last warheads on Orleans and Versailles. French are defeated
  17. I meant 2nd post
  18. Fine. France bombs Philly for the sixth time and sends in 200 bombers, 5000 ground troops, 300 tanks and kills all US troops. Done.
  19. Oh wow
  20. How would they even have access to the warheads from there? :confused:
    Give me a good reason off France will continue to stand.