could the capping limit be set at 50-60 instead of 40?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by CrustyBreadz, Mar 15, 2015.


Do you have the same problems as me sometimes?

Yes 23 vote(s) 63.9%
No 7 vote(s) 19.4%
always have supporter so it doesn't matter to me :P 6 vote(s) 16.7%
  1. I also run into these problems sometimes but I simply try to make do. For example; last time this happened to me I noticed that I could still log onto smp5 (didn't have any items there) so quickly decided to do a new survival game. Went out into the wasteland with nothing and ended up with a small mining outpost which even got me some iron and gold.

    So yah, sometimes it can be annoying but so far I've always managed to get online on one of the other servers.

    Just in case: if you're in a situation where you can't connect to your regular server you can use the "direct connect" option (shown in the multiplayer screen) and then enter this as server address:, where '#' is obviously a number between 1 to 9.

    Right now this whole thing doesn't bother me too much anymore, because when all else fails I can always hop onto Utopia (got a residence there) and do some building over there.
    Pab10S and MrsWishes like this.
  2. You are old enough to get a minimum wage job, should not be hard to find one...
  3. Supporters do count towards the cap. If there were 40 supporters on, no more regular players could join.
  4. Easier said than done
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  5. Are you in the UK? Because the legal age to get a job is 16 here. You can get one at 14, but you can't work more than 1-2 hours a day and I don't think employers want a 14 year old who can't work proper hours :p
  6. lemme give you an example. new player logs on, servers full, leaves to do the washing. The amount of new players we loose by this is well shocking
    tuqueque and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  7. Yes, server cap works opposite to advertising / voting.
    If new players can not connect then voting does not make much sense.
    New player might think "full server, must be good", but that's not worth much if they can not connect soon.

    If server is full, inviting friends to play together (sat / sun evening) is not possible.

    Much more than not getting a free slot, it is very frustrating to lose the slot when switching servers.

    But all of this is quite obvious. I (still) think that the solution is to get more support / donations from regular players by allowing further development of the community - and simply asking them to support.

    Any "pay to win" schema (no matter how well packaged and lipsticked) is working against the community and is morally questionable, well, actually abominable, not acceptable.
  8. I agree m4nic, i know 16 is the minimal age to be able to get a part time job but im in my gcse year's so i dont have time. Emc is one of the games that when i get home from school i like to spend some time (to relax) and generally have fun :p it is quite frustrating to then see that i cant join due to slots being full xD :p

    Just a quick question, to run a server does it cost allot for the equipment?
  9. As am I, and I plan to get a job at a nearby supermarket (either ASDA or Aldi :p) once I turn 16. Mind you, I turn 16 a few days before I finish school next year, so... lel.
    If you host it yourself: yes.
    If you pay for it from a host: it depends on the server host, how many servers you own, and your package.
    BanditLM likes this.
  10. ahh do you know if aikar hosts his own or they host through a company?
  11. I remember during the time JustinGuy owned EMC (August 2011 - December 2013) him saying that he 'semi-owned' it or something. I'm fairly sure that Aikar hosts it through a company nowadays, although I'm not entirely sure - you'll have to get answer off him :p
  12. okay thanks :p hopefully he see's this thread ;) :p
  13. Set the more popular servers to 45 or 50 if possible?
  14. You can earn it in-game ... we'll work something out :)

    Good hardware (fast CPU a lot of RAM, SSD RAID) with housing and a good Internet connection costs around $150 per month. If you add minimum of maintenance like OS updates, backup and monitoring (which you usually do yourself if you run the server) it is around $200 - $250 per month. So basic costs are minimal, actually negligible compared to the server development.

    So if you just install the server and mods but you do not actively develop anything, it's cheap.

    To actively develop the (server side) mods and the forum costs a lot of time, so I'd say to run a good server system like EMC you need almost one full time person (better several part time). So all together around 60k US$ per year - depending on the wages. That means you need like 500 "gold supporters" to cover everything for a very good server.
  15. Yes supporters do count toward the cap. When the cap is reached, only supporters can get on to go over the cap. I've noticed on smp1 once when a scavenger hunt was going on... the cap was at 40, but there were 173 people on smp1, and most of them were free players. So maybe the cap temporairly gets disabled (for that server) due to an event such as firefloor or mobarena.
  16. Here is a quote straight from the supporter page.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  17. Hmm... This is a fairly controversial topic that's definitely been brought up before, but I'll put in my two cents.
    When I first joined this great server, the server cap was 60, and not once did I ever get blocked out. These are what we might refer to as "the good ol' days." Eventually, the servers were bumped down to 40 (supposedly to remove lag, though I certainly never felt any) and I immediately started encountering trouble trying to log in on a daily basis. Quite frankly, I understand that EMC needs money, I really do, but I wish that we could raise that money through honest requests for donations and by offering special features (such as the current res additions, res messages, etc.) rather than have a scenario where I have to pay money just to get on to the server. I don't think that's what EMC was ever really about, and I miss the time when I could rely on full access to the Empire. I approve of a lot of EMC's features and new releases, but I honestly believe that, with all due respect to the admins, the lowering of the cap to 60 was the worst change that EMC has made since I've joined, no matter what the reasons. So yes, I'm a full supporter of a return to a 60 cap, lag or no lag.
  18. Really though, save up R and go buy an iron supporter at the very least. On average they sell for around 150k. That's fairly easy to get. Flip a few promo's, sell iron you've gathered from a public iron farm, go mining in waste for packed ice, so many options to make money fast.
    M4nic_M1ner and MrsWishes like this.