[Contest] EMC Promotional Video

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by heyaroo, Mar 19, 2013.


Will you submit a video into this contest?

Yes!! 21 vote(s) 36.2%
No 4 vote(s) 6.9%
Let me think about it... 9 vote(s) 15.5%
I just want to watch the videos! 24 vote(s) 41.4%
  1. I'm making one over this weekend :)
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  2. You didn't miss anything its just begone :D
    cddm95ace, 607 and heyaroo like this.
  3. Submission Deadline: April 15, 2013 at 10 pm (PST) (Thats about 4 weeks from today) The video must be uploaded on YouTube and PM'ed to Heyaroo by this time. Only one video submission per a person/group
    Judging will be done by a secret cast of judges!

    cddm95ace, OrigamiJoe and heyaroo like this.
  4. I love how you spelled it :D
    cddm95ace likes this.
  5. OOh I thought it was May *facepalm*
    cddm95ace and 607 like this.
  6. I love your profile pic :D
    Soo cute, keep calm and be happy.

    Keep Calm and Play EMC woott
    cddm95ace likes this.
  7. Bump for more video submissions? :D

    And Nick_Godoy just donated 4k woot! And Dwight5273 added 1,500r :D
    cddm95ace likes this.
  8. Hows everyone's progress going on the videos?
    cddm95ace likes this.
  9. I accidentally set my town on fire, crashed the Taiwan economy, and surrounded New Mexico with lava walls, while trying to make a video. So, pretty good.
    607, heyaroo and cddm95ace like this.
  10. If anyone wants to team up, im down for it (You need to record because i dont have the stuff nor dont know how.)
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  11. I'll team up with you if you like I don't have a good recording software though. If you know of one or if anyone knows of a good one thats free It would be very helpful :D
    EDIT: I do know how to do recording and some editing though.
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  12. Hey as long as you can record im cool, whenever you wanna do this, we can.
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  13. The idea is ready, I just now need to record it :cool:
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  14. Ok cool I also can only screen record so if thats ok then lets do this. Also when would you like to discuss what our idea/when we will film this will be?
    cddm95ace and heyaroo like this.
  15. In game this weekend? (busy during week with school and other MC projects but all weekend im on and free as a bird)
    cddm95ace likes this.
  16. Sounds good to me im pretty much free this weekend preferably at night though. Idk what time zone you are in also my friend, talukegord, might want to help havent asked him yet but maybe he can idk.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  17. Awesome everybody! I'm glad you guys are working together or currently working on it. I thought I would share a few tips that may help you with creating your video:

    • Plan Ahead: If you want people to be in your video, set a certain time and place so they can meet with you. Also, choose what scenes or shots you want to film that day so your time can be used wisely.
    • Check Your Shots: There were many times where I had to refilm a scene because the previous shots were during the daytime and the next would be at night when they were not supposed to be. Make sure to look back at your footage just in case there are mistakes or if it accidentally didn't save so you don't have to film it again.
    • Try Different Angles: For a lot of short films/advertisements , there are different angles that make a video seem more professional and interesting. Make sure if you do try to film different angles that the positions of the people in your scene are the same so the different angles flow nicely.
    • Use Music: Amazingly music can help your video a lot. Just think of a sad movie with the violins, would it still be sad? (it would be more of an awkward silence lol) Try to use music to help people get in the right mood for your video, it grabs people's attention.
    I hope these tips helped you :D
    cddm95ace likes this.
  18. Just finished ours!
    cddm95ace likes this.
  19. Coming along :p
    cddm95ace likes this.