[Combine Username With One Above You]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Stnywitness, Oct 29, 2018.


Should I have a poll here or not?

Yes 7 vote(s) 58.3%
No 5 vote(s) 41.7%
  1. Well. I have been waiting a long time to post a thread like this. Someone stole me idea, but now that thread is old so...

    All you have to do is combine your username with the username above you. That simple.


    Stnywitness said: Stnyyak

    607 said: 607witness

    JHeroTen said: JHero607

    EvilToade said: HeroToade


    Have fun!


    Winners Announced!

    There are 1st, 2nd, and third place winners, but 1st place is the only one that wins something :)

    1st Place goes to...

    Foxy_Kitty with "FriedCat"
    Congrats Foxy, you earned a 2018 b-day cake. I will mail it to u :)

    2nd Place: The_Op_Villager with "THE_BOSS"

    3rd Place: KryptoNerd with "CarNerd"

    Congrats everyone! Ya'll can keep playing if ya want
  2. For the record: I think it's totally fine you're restarting this. :) It hurts a little personally because the starter of the original thread was one of my best friends, but they have left anyway. So it's probably a good idea to start a new thread.
    Regardless, I likely won't play (much), as I haven't done so in the other game either, because I feel like my name gets uninteresting quickly for this forum game.

    However, now that I am posting this, I will of course play along. ;) And this actually works out very nicely:
    (which is JHWH ;))
    Stnywitness likes this.
  3. :)

  4. 607Belac555

    thats a lot of numbers
  5. ninja'd
  6. belaCarFryer555
  7. CarDrop
    607 likes this.
  8. TheDropManEMC
  9. thefriedcars
  10. AncientFryer
    carolmoss and 607 like this.
  11. StnyisAncient
  12. Witness_king
  13. The_king
    carolmoss likes this.
  14. Smooshed_ManCub
    carolmoss and 607 like this.
  15. PotatoFryer
    carolmoss likes this.
  16. CarNerd
    carolmoss likes this.
  17. Krypto_nigrum
  18. Why are people not liking any posts? Some are good, surely. :p

    607_NigRum (no, I'm white, actually...)
    belac555 and thefriedmans like this.
  19. Otus_07
    carolmoss likes this.