[closed] Ultra-Ultra Rare Blue Axolotl Head

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DrasCorp, Sep 12, 2021.

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  1. Item: 1 Blue Axolotl Head
    Starting Bid: 10k rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1000 Rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid.

    Pick up and Preview: /v +dras on utopia.

    Behold, ye peasants, an item so rare, so irresistibly tantalizing, that you feel your hands sliding into your pockets to retrieve that fat wallet of yours...that wallet, full of dusty rupees your heart yearns to convert into a glorious, dark Blue Axolotl Head.....

    A head that will surely be the centerpiece of a grand display...

    As a reminder, Blue Axolotls have a 1/1200 chance of spawning from regular Axolotls...dare you do the math of recovering a head from that? No, for you seek not to deal in tiny decimals, and instead much prefer to deal in the larger numbers you will surely enter below.

    Additionally, as certified by Dr. Grimm_Pantalones, M.D. Ph.D , giving me money has also been scientifically proven to increase your spirits. And, help me financially recover from the 20 DC's of tropical fish I bought to breed all the damn axolotls.

    EfficiencyV likes this.
  2. 16k... Why would you kill a blue one.. How many blue ones do you have and how many did you kill before the drop? Like dang, buy a lottery ticket quick.
    UltiPig likes this.
  3. Poor blue boi 50k
  4. 56k

    (I also am curious how many blues you killed....?)
  5. 280...lol
  6. is the auction over? since its 12:57pm?
    DrasCorp likes this.
  7. Yep, head mailed!
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