[Closed] [Giveaway] Vote #2000, 200k Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ThaKloned, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. Idk how to screenshot! But my bonus is 472
    ThaKloned likes this.
    • Go to http://prnt.sc.
    • In the top right corner, there's a button "Download Lightshot for free".
    • Press "download for Windows" or "download for Mac" depending on your OS.
    • WINDOWS: There might be an installer or something, just install it.
    • MAC: The download link redirects you to the Mac App Store; go there to get the safe download of Lightshot.
    • WINDOWS: To take a screenshot, once the installer finishes up, press the PrntScr button on your keyboard.
    • MAC: Once it's been downloaded, press the F13 button on your keyboard to take a screenshot.
    • BOTH: Drag across the area you want to screenshot. Press the button that looks like a save button. It will ask you what to name it and where on your drive to put it.
    • BOTH: Go to http://imgur.com and upload the picture to there.
    • BOTH: Right click the image you have uploaded, open in new tab, and copy the link of that new tab. DO NOT use the link you are given once you upload it.
    • BOTH: Then, click this button:

    • BOTH: Paste the image link into there. Hopefully this will work.
    ThaKloned and The_Mancub like this.
  2. Vote Bonus is 109
    ThaKloned likes this.

  3. Could of had 200 if I wasn't voting in 4 day intervals
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. Wow, congratulations on reaching bonus 2000! :D I recently reached 1000 myself, quite happy with that. :)

    And starting since 3 weeks ago, I'm now voting for you... ;)
    Jelle68 and ThaKloned like this.
  5. Oh, whoops, I managed to take a picture, upload it, but then forget to paste it in... :p I've edited it in now. :p
  6. Lol that’s what I use at school cuz nothing’s blocked on it
  7. Thanks to everyone who entered. I will announce the winners shortly! Good luck :)

    Participant list:
    1. haastregt
    2. Tbird1128
    3. MoreMoople
    4. Jelle68
    5. Esrik
    6. Sachrock
    8. thefriedmans
    9. SkeleTin007
    10. SansTheTimeLord
    11. kaptrix
    12. Keliris
    13. MrAdazahi
    14. NuclearBobomb
    15. q1zx
    16. Sydney_43
    17. TheRedstoneShop
    18. Tuqueque
    19. Raaynn
    20. SliceOfRhyBread
    21. Smooshed_Potato
    22. Extendingskys
    23. loj
    24. AncientTower
    25. ChumMiner
    26. ChickenButler
    27. seventythree
    28. KikuDusk
    29. Lomax70
    30. WyntyrRaevyn
    31. JesusPower2
    32. OriginalScuf
    33. cam7051
    34. FlyingFish21
    35. Pab10S
    36. ConductorConduit
    37. Falchion_GPX
    38. The_Mancub
    39. TomvanWijnen
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  8. Winners!!

    1st Place: 100,000r (100k)

    2nd Place: 75,000r (75k)

    3rd Place: 25,000r (25k)

    Congrats to the winners. Will send the winnings out when I get online. Thanks again to everyone for entering. :)
  9. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Kloned for hosting!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. Thank you for hosting! :)
  11. If you're on Windows, you don't need to install any software. :) A snipping tool is built in. It's even got options for marking and waiting a picked amount of time before freezing the screen. :)

    I regret ignoring this giveaway before, it's a lot more simple than I expected. :p
    I am quite surprised to see that my vote bonus is still higher than that of most people.

    I haven't been consistently voting for a while, but as I've documented before, the system has become very forgiving (check the poll in this thread). I have also never voted twice on one day, or voted on all sites.
    But I guess most others started later.
  12. Congrats to all and Keep on Voting!!
  13. Congrats to winners
    Eviltoade, ThaKloned and 607 like this.
  14. Closing Thread due to op's request
    MoreMoople, fBuilderS and Eviltoade like this.
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