Catholicism is the oldest religion that has worshiped Jesus. Catholicism is anything but modern. It forbids anything to do with birth control, and literally its a sin to vote for anyone who associates with a party that is pro choice. Its back there with Baptists when it comes to strictness (not as strict as Anabaptist's though).
It's a RELIGION, you are correct. Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP. There IS a difference. Catholics repeat 'rituals' which are paganistic, claim the pope the head of the Church when in fact Christ is, their Catechism explains how to become a God (which is exactly what Lucifer wanted), and they claim the only way to absolution for sin is through a priest. They've added an Apocrypha to the Bible, which is an addition for Catholic purposes to gain more monetary donations, and it's explicitly known that additions/deletions to the Holy Scriptures is immediately damnable. I could go on and on... but EMC doesn't even have the bandwidth for my arguments =P
Aren't these christianity threads supposed to be NON-arguative? maybe get back on the topic of posting nice songs and stuff instead of arguing about your theories?
they aren't theories, they are in black and white on paper and documented. It's called evangelism, and it brings people to knowing who God truly is, and thats more important than posting 'songs and stuff'
I have taken a theology, world religions, and history of western civ class from Northwestern ( ), which is a very protestant school, that taught that Catholicism is the root religion of all Christianity. Catholicism is Christian religion. It was the first Christian religion. If there had not been Catholicism, there would be no Christianity. The fact is we dont know which religion added/deleted anything from the bible. Because we werent alive back then, and the archives have burned. Anyone who says that god told their religion that the Catholics added stuff is just as suspicious as the Catholics saying that god told them that the other religions deleted stuff. Your evidence is not factual as a whole, it might be for your local area though. I was raised and confirmed Catholic, and nothing like what you have described was ever taught to me.
if they are in black and white you all clearly do not need to argue over it then. get back to the song and such :3
Thats unfortunate that you paid all that money for a course that didn't give you true apologetical teachings. I'll pray for you though.
^^ adding to that, Christ would have come with or without catholicism, therefore Christianity surely would have existed =)
I do a lot of work with the founder of CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) and there is a lot of information regarding each issue with Catholicism, and I encourage you to read it. will give you more insight than I could begin to give you on a forums post =P I don't want to come across as being arrogant or anything, I'm just trying to give you the knowledge God wants us to have. True, Catholicism shaped a lot of what organized religion is, but the heart of TRUE Christianity did not come from Catholicism, not one bit. Catholicism was a way to form Christianity to fit their lifestyles, instead of forming their lifestyles to fitting Christianity. These are the people who ACTUALLY allowed merging pagan rituals and beliefs with what they viewed as Christianity to make conversion from paganism to Catholicism easier. (Easter, for example... Eggs and a rabbit... Goddess of fertility) It has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ, yet these symbols are allowed in Catholic churches AND EVEN in some protestant churches! It's heresy!
It should probably be noted that I have a Doctorate in Ministry through Indiana Wesleyan University. Just so that you're aware that I've delved deep into the scriptures and continue to do so. I don't know everything about everything, but we can all agree that God will open our eyes to more than we could ever have imagined when we seek Him.
I was raised as a Catholic person too (but Im not into religion that much). And I was taught the same things, but oh well, religions will never agree in who is correct and who is incorrect. You cant make a person believe in what you believe. ^_^
There is a distinction I see. The devil tried to tempt Jesus, I agree, but Jesus never desired to sin (being tempted to evil).
"What is my primary responsibility as a wife? Paul addresses this in Titus 2. Paul exhorts the older women to teach the younger women about their roles within the marriage and family unit (v.4). A wife’s role is to be her husband’s helper (Genesis 2:18). She must ask herself what will be a help to her husband. This does not mean that she cannot have individual pursuits and hobbies. However, she places her marriage and her husband’s profit before all else (Proverbs 31:11) and it is her joy to promote him and do him good (v.23). This is not a subservient position, but one of love. A wife is also responsible to take care of the children and the home (Titus 2:5,6). At creation, Eve was placed in the position to bear children. Woman was also created to nurture her children. While the Proverbs 31 Wife’s husband was providing for the family, she was supervising home life, profit, and activities (v. 21). Paul exhorts women to “work at home,” (Titus 2:5, ESV). During this time, many women were idle, spreading gossip, but it was Paul’s exhortation for women to labor faithfully taking care of their responsibilities. A woman should ask herself if she can keep home life and its responsibilities while working outside of the home." Your group sounds very, very Anabaptist
Deleted Some posts. Keep this thread under control otherwise I won't only shut this thread down; there could be some consequences on top of that. Here is a little Tip; if someone clearly is there just to troll- ignore it and move on. Pretend like they didn't even say anything- Instead Report the post to a Staff member and carry on.
The debates I've read in this thread are ok and totally on topic, so this thread isn't derailed. It's kinda what I wanted to happen, a debate about forms of Christianity (yes I read the Catholicism post and agree, just didnt wana make them feel left out without a reason). I too would like a copy of this book your writing, maybe a digital one or something so you dont have to ship unless u want to. Thank you moderator for cleaning up the posts, I didn't see them because I was at school, but I assume they were trolling posts.
How is it turning into attacking one another? We are all fellow Christians, and we are just discussing the Bible