[Celebration event] Guess the size & win a prize!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Dec 16, 2017.

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  1. first guess 6100ish
  2. A new day, a new tip...

    First: it's below 6000 blocks.
    Second: if you go over the tips given so far you should be able to grab a calculator and come up with the right estimate.

  3. I'm stuck repairing weapons and tools hence browsing the forums in an attempt to find something to do. So, I'll help :

    so far, people's guesses are

    Tuqueque : 2468 /13745
    WitherDoggie : 2160 / ?
    fBuildeRS : 2783 / ?
    OrangeDuck607 : 2998 / ?
    SkareCboi : 2269 / ?
    TheBidule : 4560 / 5467
    Sydney4363 : 8000 / ?
    Impulsive_Egg : 10.000 / ?
    586 : 3160 / ?
    BankOfBlu : 2160 / 3000
    MerRhyAndBright : 4800 / 5400
    ChristmasTower : 1900 / ?
    SkeleTin007 : 5525 / 5935
    cTJx : 5700 / 5650
    RainbowPony : 5800 / 7000
    bboybrian : 4900 / 5000
    NuclearBobomb : 5800 / ?
    Smooshed_Santa : 5160 / 5835
    607 : 5099 / 6099
    Gordan_the_Gourd : 938 / 2500
    JesusPower2 : 1700 / 1800
    TheFroon : 5900 / ?
    CliffCraft : 6100 / ?
  4. 5750 second guess
  5. This hint confused me, but I think it just doesn't make sense. When 3 people had posted, 2 of those were a potential runner-up winner. And that number never dropped. So it doesn't make sense that at any point, 'one player' 'could be' a potential runner-up winner. At any point, there are 2 potential runner-up winners, if you know the right answer. Although, actually, I guess there are 3. As the potential runner-up winner could become the actual winner if no-one gets it before the contest ends, and in that case there's another runner-up winner.
    Bottom line, this hint seems incorrect or at least very incomplete. :p

    Now, the question is... dare I take the guess? Shall I wait? Shall I buy another alt? ;) Or get my brother to act as an alt? Oh, no, he's banned, that probably means he's excluded. :p

    There's a chance of 50% I'll get it... but if I wait, there's quite a big chance someone else will get it. But wait! There are runner-up prizes, and if I guess now I'll have a lot more of a chance for those!
    Except I don't care as much for the runner-up prizes, as I'd like the heads...

    Well... I'm wasting too much time here. I'm getting anxious of being ninja'd. :p
    Here we go!
    5299 blocks. My fourth and final guess.
    TheBidule likes this.
  6. Sometimes the idea behind a hint isn't only to try and help, but to create a little more confusion as well :)

    As to your guess: sorry, I can't count that because you already used up your 2 turns.

    I can't make this too easy ;)
    607 and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  7. Oops! Sorry, that was a mistake because of all the stressful thinking that was going on. :p
  8. EMC, we have a winner!

    The contest is now closed, new entries will not be accepted from here!

    As per the previous mentioned rules the rounded up number is accepted, and 5200 is what we were looking for.

    The exact distance is as follows:

    Here Aya is standing at the outpost, while I'm at the end of the first part

    Here Aya passed me and is now standing at the end of the second part

    And as you can see: 2612 + 2610 = 5222. The perfect excuse to give the new cool /compass groupmember command a try, I'm seriously loving that one. Aya & me use that very frequently!

    So to explain some of the hints we gave...

    In a previous screenshot I showed that the full distance between the outpost and the EMC Outpost / spawn was 17,281. That's an overworld distance. In the nether everything works on a 1:8 ratio, so: 17281 / 8 = 2160. If you multiply this by 2 (because we also hinted that the track consists of 2 parts) you get 4320. If you then add 900 (what Aya hinted at) you'll get 5320 :)

    What happens now?

    Simple, I'm going to get myself some dinner :D

    First: no more entries accepted from here on. First I need to get myself some dinner, then either me or Aya will sort out the winners and announce all three of you later on. That will also be when I set up the chests so that you can collect your prizes (we can also /mail, easy does it).

    Thanks everyone for playing, I hope you guys had fun!
    607 likes this.
  9. :( boooh... I'm fourth, fifth or sixth, depending on if you take in account Lockdown's last guess, or/and 607's extra guess. But that doesn't make me third...
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  10. You motivated me to actually try to win... I can give you the Avalauncher. :)

    @ShelLuser: Phew! I'm glad that worked out. :p
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  11. Keep in mind, though: I'm the one who won, not you! :p
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  12. i made a list of winners and now i hope shell and me dont post at the same time :D

    1st prize goes to OrangeDuckie b/c he got 5200 right first

    Now 4 the hard part... i made a list of all guesses but in ordered. so if theres a tie we can see who voted first.

    2nd prize goes to SmooshedPotatoe b/c ur guess is 62 off (5222 - 5160 = 62)
    3rd prize goes to Lockdown32 b/c ur guess is 100 off (5322 - 5222 = -100)

    heres my list:

    * means 2nd guess, ? means no 2nd guess

    tuq 2468 / 13745
    with 2160 / ?
    fbuild 2783 / ?
    orange 2998 / *
    Skare 2269 / ?
    Bidul 4560 / *
    Sydney 8k / ?
    Egg 10k / ?
    586 3160 / ?
    Bank 2160 / 3k
    MerRhy 4800 / *
    Tower 1900 / ?
    Skele 5525 / *
    ctj 5700 / *

    MerRhy 5400

    Rainbow 5800 / 7000
    bboy 4900 / 5000
    Bidul 5467
    ctj 5650
    Nuclear 5800 / ?
    Skele 5935
    Smooshed 5160 / *
    607 5099 / 6099
    Gordan 938 / 2500
    Smooshed 5835
    JesusP 1700 / 1800
    Froon 5900 / ?
    Cliff 6100 / 5750
    ** Orange 5298
    Lock 5322 / ?

    so this is the part shell asked me 2 help him with, but there's more ;)
    607, Smooshed_Santa and Lockdown32 like this.
  13. when shell asks me 2 help him with an event i dont just play assistant but insist that i can make some decisions too. ofc its shells event and emc rules are clear, but thats why this event is from both of us ^.^

    i decided that u get the runner up prize! there isnt one yet, but im sure me & shell will come up with something good!

    reason i decided this is b/c u tried 2 help other ppl out with ur list and i think thats a really cool thing 2 do.

    so is my decision:

    runner up prize goes to TheBidule b/c he tried 2 help us with our event!!
    607, TheBidule and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. I'll throw in an extra Avalauncher then you can throw in an extra vault voucher. Not sure if you got a spare, if not then I can sell you one for 7k or so.

    Also: prizes will be mailed guys. That's much easier on everyone. I'll be online in a few, then it'll get sorted out.
    607 likes this.
  15. Congratulations (OrangeDuck)607, SmooshedPotato, Lockdown32, and TheBidule! :D

    I still don't understand something about this, but I guess I'll have to ask Shell about this sometime ingame. :p

    I quoted the wrong thing. :p My phone messed up trying to make a proper quote, so then I got lazy and just copied your text, but took the wrong one... I meant to ask if the 10 minute time was one way or round trip. :p Turns out it's one way. :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  16. 5428

    JesusPower2 likes this.
  17. 10+ for reading the entire thread :p

    (in other words, the event has already finished, and he said that it wasn't more than 10,000 ;))
    607, padde73 and ShelLuser like this.
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