Calling all writers!

Discussion in 'Writers' Corner' started by ItsMeMatheus, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Well, time to continue my book on the peculiar behaviour of SMP8ians. Totally going to participate!!
    Gawadrolt and khixan like this.
  2. Once I get my health situation figured out I'll resume my story. It's been shelved. So this is insanely cool to see happening.
  3. am i good enuff to wright fore blog????

    On a serious note, great idea. I look forward to seeing some new blogs from the community soon. :)
    ShelLuser, cadenman2002 and FDNY21 like this.
  4. After you've "fixed" the post, will you send it back to the original writer for a last check?
    I've had it happen often where I made something, the thing I sent it to changed something, and something went wrong in the process, without them noticing or notifying me.
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  5. We will usually not make any changes to content or wording really, just grammar fixes and formatting (Spacing, paragraphs etc), so you shouldn't need to worry about it.
    Also, even after the blog is posted and you notice something you want changed, just send me a message and I'll edit it.
    Perry_Stahlsis, Kyzoy and 607 like this.
  6. Okay, thanks! :)
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  7. Submitted my Surviving With More Style entry. Go from drab to fab! I completely amused myself writing that up lol :D Hope it passes muster and folks enjoy it.
    Kephras, Perry_Stahlsis and 607 like this.
  8. What about Three Little Zombie Pigmen?!
    Kephras, khixan and DubChef like this.
  9. You can buy the Three Little Zombie Pigmen at Kephras' bookstore on smp8, or from KittieRose on smp5. You need me to copy/paste it into a blog too lol? :confused: Thanks Kat, much <3
    Kephras and southpark347 like this.
  10. YAY! I love writing, DEFINITELY be submitting!!!! ;)
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  11. Why did I not see this sooner?! :eek:

    I guess I'll be submitting/adding to my Empire Chronicles story!
  12. I'm assuming you can submit multiple things? You guys know I'm going to fill up your inbox on this one. :) just need to get a day off lol.
    607 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  13. Correct.
  14. Hmmm, I misread this post when I first saw it.. I thought that the submissions were for Contribution Team members.. I am wondering though, Matheus, can persons whom have the equivalent of your job on other servers submit blog posts for empire using this online form? Or would the conflicting interests still exclude them..? :oops:
  15. There are other servers?
    The post clearly states that I'm calling ALL writers. If you are a writer, feel free to submit content, as long as it's yours and original.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  16. Lol, sorry, I'd rather do wiki editing :p
    Edit: But I too got mislead, so I have no idea what this is about.
  17. All those submissions I was talking about though... lol. I will try to get around to this soon.
    607 likes this.
  18. How long is this contest? I haven't finished my first story and I started that 4 months ago, It is pretty long. How long does this story have to be? I'm assuming it has to be EMC based so I'll do one about the mercenaries guild since I was planning on that anyways

    PM the info ^_^
  19. It's not a contest; it's merely your chance for fame & 5k rupees.

    There isn't really a minimal requirement here where length is concerned. The major aspect of a submission is that it has to be a little catchy, it needs to have potential to draw people's interest to it and obviously, as mentioned by Matheus above: it needs to be an original entry. Your work.

    The "catchy" part is obviously at the discretion of the staff who will judge the entries and deem them "blog worthy" or not.

    Well, EMC based can be a pro, but you could just as well broaden your horizon. Minecraft based would also work. Maybe something totally unrelated to Minecraft but still interesting for the audience could also work (once again: that is all at the discretion of the staff obviously).

    We even had one of our contrib. team members doing a small strip once. Not specifically related to EMC nor Minecraft (as far as I recall) but still catchy, and it got placed.

    Hope this can give you some ideas.
    607 likes this.