Looking for a priest villager with the 4 XP bottle for 1 emerald trade, preferable in the first slot. Willing to pay a lot. PM me on here or catch me in game for offers. Would also like to trade if possible, but rupees are possible too Thanks!
I like your thinking but... suppose you can buy one, what do you plan to do with it? I mean... if you eggify it all the trades will reset, so your only option would be to somehow move it from one residence to the other. Yet that only works if you're on the same SMP. So you might want to be a bit more specific here because I don't think this is going to work otherwise. Still... now I can't help wonder what'll happen if you try to move a mob from one res onto the other. Especially now that they are restricted and won't wander off anymore. Hmm... maybe I can give that a try later today.
You cannot more mobs across residence as far as I know: they will be teleported back. I tried to move my villagers from one res to another some time ago: they all teleported back to the original res.
The SS have a service that does it for you for 10,000r. There are still some logistics to work out but it is completely possible. Bump
I believe that's only on your res though. I tried getting mine moved over from an alt and couldn't be done.
You must transfer the res the villager is on to the player its going to, and transfer it back after you move it. Like I said, a bit of logistics involved but it is indeed possible
you can just put it on an empty res and sell the res its totally np i know ppl who have done this through SS services sorry i am keeping my 4 for 1 but i have a 3 for 1 if you get Desperate
I’ve sold them before Just wondering how much you’d be willing to pay? I’m not sure what they’re worth at the moment!
At this point I’m pretty sure they are worth what we decide since they dont get transferred around very much. I am willing to pay a pretty penny though if the trades are what I’m looking for