[ BUYING ] Dirt

Discussion in 'Buying' started by BTHarrold98, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. Hey Everyone, currently after 8-10 DCs of dirt or grass. It’s needed for my farms on my res on smp9 18882. Currently built the structure of the place but once that’s all finished I’m going to need a lot of dirt to lay down to fill up.

    So if anyone can help, even if you know where I can get this amount from without digging it please send me in the right direction.

    Thanks BT
  2. Hi,

    Set me up 10 access chests and I'll drop the dirt off for you.

    No payment needed :)
    BTHarrold98 likes this.
  3. Thank you very much, I shall set them up when I’m home later
    weeh likes this.
  4. TomvanWijnen and BTHarrold98 like this.
  5. Jelle68 likes this.