Bulk Log Business

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Yixomua, Sep 10, 2019.

  1. Please may I order 1dc of spruce logs. I'll send payment right away :)
  2. can i order 1 dc of whatever is easiest for you.

  3. Changed the type
  4. Could I order 1 single chest of spruce and 1 single chest of oak if you have it available? :)
  5. Yep, I have that on stock. The total is 7,776r. Would you like pickup or delivery?
    Olliesaurus_Rex likes this.
  6. Delivery please! :D I'll get on now to send payment and set up an access chest on my first res. :)
  7. 4 dc oak 2 dc spruce 2 dc birch 2 dc acacia 2 dc jungle

    im not sure if you do acacia but im fine if you cant just deduct that one, im bad at math and my head hurts so just tell me how much that is
  8. The total price is 93,312r. I have everything you want in stock. Would you like delivery or pickup?
  9. delivery
    Ill set up a hopper system and ill mail you 24 shulker boxes
    on smp2 /v 4627 btw
  10. Hiya Yix, need more wood for boats!

    Can you do 3dc dark-oak please
  11. can you do bulk orders for warped and crimson logs? id be willing to pay more for them than your current 2.25r/ log
    pewdiepiggy likes this.
  12. I put your order down but I don't know when I can get to it since I'm extremely busy atm
    Raaynn likes this.
  13. Yix if you need some help I'd be willing to work for you, I buy from your shop alot and appreciate what you do. I could try to get as much dark oak for you over the weekend.
  14. Warped and crimson stems now (officially) available for 3r per log.
    Kryarias and wafflecoffee like this.
  15. I'll take an sc of each
    so like 10368 right?
  16. Hi! May I order:
    2dc Birch
    2dc Oak
    2dc Dark Oak
    2dc Spruce
    2dc Jungle
    2dc Acacia
    It's 93,312r correct?
  17. Hello, could I please order 6 DCs of warped stem for 62208r? Thank you :D
    Yixomua likes this.
  18. Yep! Should be done by tomorrow since I have some on stock :)
    CarFryer likes this.